WebMD Allergy App for iPhone
Author: WebMD
Published: 2013/02/06 - Updated: 2021/12/20
Topic: Disability Apps - Publications List
Page Content: Synopsis - Introduction - Main
Synopsis: The WebMD Allergy app provides accurate and personalized weather-related allergy information to help proactively manage allergies for the entire family.
• WebMD conducted a survey of its mobile consumers (mobile web and mobile app) to better understand which key factors allergy sufferers are looking for in a mobile app.
• WebMD Allergy delivers customized health and wellness information to consumers looking to identify and manage seasonal, food, skin, drug, insect bites or stings, and latex allergies.
WebMD Health Corp. announces its new WebMD Allergy app for the iPhone, an innovative new mobile resource that empowers consumers to take control of their allergies. It is the first free app to provide allergy sufferers with personalized location-based allergy condition forecasts in combination with WebMD's trusted information and insights.
Main Item
WebMD Allergy is further personalized with optional mobile push notifications that warn when allergen levels are high, enabling app users to proactively manage their allergy conditions.
Over sixty percent of WebMD visitors report allergies that moderately or severely affect their lives. WebMD Allergy delivers customized health and wellness information to consumers looking to identify and manage seasonal, food, skin, drug, insect bites or stings, and latex allergies.
The app also tracks allergies for multiple family members, so parents can take an active role in managing their children's allergies.
"The WebMD Allergy app provides consumers with accurate and personalized weather-related allergy information to help them proactively manage their allergy conditions," said Dr. Michael Smith, WebMD Chief Medical Editor. "WebMD's trusted allergy information is delivered through an innovative mobile app to help consumers be better prepared to face the day."
The WebMD Allergy app provides easy access to physician-reviewed info, with unique features including:
- Combining allergy and weather forecasts. Integrating weather information from AccuWeather makes tracking pollen counts in advance a snap.
- Scheduling allergen alerts. Push notifications on high allergen levels in your area, delivered to your iPhone's home screen in the mornings, to better prepare you for the day.
- Information on seven allergy categories. WebMD Allergy provides information on outdoor, indoor, skin, drug, food, insect bites or stings, and latex allergies.
- Creating multiple user profiles for the entire family. Tracking different allergies and multiple locations for each family member all in one easy place.
WebMD Allergy Health & Wellness Survey Methodology
WebMD conducted a survey of its mobile consumers (mobile web and mobile app) to better understand which key factors allergy sufferers are looking for in a mobile app. Recruitment to the survey was implemented via the WebMD mobile web site and WebMD app.
This quality-reviewed publication was selected for publishing by the editors of Disabled World (DW) due to its significant relevance to the disability community. Originally authored by WebMD, and published on 2013/02/06 (Edit Update: 2021/12/20), the content may have been edited for style, clarity, or brevity. For further details or clarifications, WebMD can be contacted at webmd.com. NOTE: Disabled World does not provide any warranties or endorsements related to this article.