Wheelchair Workstations for Computers and Work Areas
Ian C. Langtree - Writer/Editor for Disabled World (DW)
Published: 2009/02/17 - Updated: 2022/03/04
Topic: Electronics and Software - Publications List
Page Content: Synopsis - Introduction - Main
Synopsis: A wheelchair workstation provides adjustability and stability adjustments of horizontal and vertical position angle of equipment and distance from the user.
• A disability computer workstation provides a work area that can accommodate equipment such as, printer, a page turner, typewriter, computer and other devices.
• The wheelchair user is positioned at the workstation then adjustments are made to suit the individual. Some wheelchair workstations allow the user to electrically or hand crank adjust the work surface(s), keyboard surface, and monitor heights.
Wheelchair users often encounter various obstacles that are very difficult for their wheelchairs to overcome. For example, most standard computer desks are unsuitable for those who use wheelchairs.
Main Item
The height of the desktop may not be of sufficient height to allow the wheelchair access beneath it, or the bench top may be too high for a person to comfortably reach the computer and keyboard etc. You may also find the wheelchair does not clear the side legs or supports of the computer desk.
Enter the wheelchair workstation...
What is a Wheelchair Workstation?
A wheelchair workstation provides the adjust-ability and stability including adjustments of both horizontal and vertical position, angle of equipment, and distance from the user.
The disability computer workstation provides a work area that can accommodate equipment such as, printer, a page turner, typewriter, computer and other devices.
The wheelchair user is positioned at the workstation then adjustments are made to suit the individual. Some wheelchair workstations allow the user to electrically or hand crank adjust the work surface(s), keyboard surface, and monitor heights.
Shown below is a more elaborate Wheelchair Workstation called "The QuadDesk" which has only two legs and no crossbeams. This allows you to not only wheel in-and-out of the desk easily, but to also maneuver around the desk without having to worry about bumping your wheelchair, knees or legs on crossbeams or desk legs. The QuadDesk's height can be easily adjusted to meet your needs.
Many libraries now provide wheelchair friendly workstations and PCs that have software for the blind or visually impaired loaded on them.

U.K. Computer Workstation Desk Suppliers
James Bedford & Co. Ltd., one of the UK's leading suppliers of industrial equipment, has launched a new range of height adjustable ergonomic workbenches called "Ergo" - which satisfy the requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) 1995.
The Ergo range is the latest in a long line of product development from James Bedford and complements the company's comprehensive choice of workbenches, storage cabinets, lockers and other industrial furniture items.
- The unique height adjustable workstations are supplied complete with a 400-kilo uniform distribution load (UDL) capacity on a 4-leg unit with a 4x gear system and a 300mm smooth height adjustment via a simple crank handle system.
- Suitable for all heights, and the disabled, the 'Ergo' provides ample leg room, is user friendly and ideally suited for most work and company environments including engineering, education, packaging, electronics, aerospace, assembly, laboratories and research units.
- The quality, heavy duty workstations have been designed to help prevent repetitive strain injuries, which can develop over time and can lead to long-term disability.