Mimi Music iOS App
Ian C. Langtree - Writer/Editor for Disabled World (DW)
Published: 2016/04/03 - Updated: 2023/11/15
Publication Type: Product Release / Update
Topic: Hearing Aids and Devices - Publications List
Page Content: Synopsis Introduction Main
Synopsis: Mimi Hearing Technologies releases the second version of its iOS app Mimi Music.
• Mimi Hearing Technologies was founded in 2014 by Nick Clark, Philipp Skribanowitz, and Pascal Werner. The company aims to become the #1 go-to place for the best, most personalized and comfortable sound experience.
• After taking the hearing test, the user is able to integrate the results into Mimi Music 2.0. This enables a whole new sound experience.
Berlin-based start-up Mimi Hearing Technologies releases the second version of its iOS app Mimi Music. After this update, users are now able to adapt music and ambient noise to their personal hearing profile. In a first step, users will take a hearing test also provided by Mimi. The accuracy of this test has been tested and verified in collaboration with the Berlin general hospital Charite. After taking the hearing test, the user is able to integrate the results into Mimi Music 2.0. This enables a whole new sound experience.
Main Item
Spine-tingling feedback is not only provided by people suffering hearing loss but also by users with a sufficient hearing which are experiencing a more superb sound experience. Henrik Matthies, managing director at Mimi recently brought it to the point when saying:
"Think about glasses; those used to be solely a tool for the visually impaired. Nowadays, we can observe a drastic change: Glasses became lifestyle products and the stigma was removed completely. We can not see this sort of transition within the hearing space. Mimi will change that!"
Mimi Hearing Technologies was founded in 2014 by Nick Clark, Philipp Skribanowitz, and Pascal Werner. The company aims to become the #1 go-to place for the best, most personalized and comfortable sound experience. The mission is based on their believe that it is time to become aware about the functions of the human ear as early as possible and start taking care while still enjoying sound and music to the fullest.
Mimi's apps are designed for everybody who cares about their hearing health and great sound. Based on 12+ years of research and development and a deep understanding of the human ear, Mimi makes complex technology accessible and attractive by integrating it into beautifully and intuitively designed apps.
Mimi has been in multiple competitions as a finalist in TechCrunch Disrupt NY2014, runner up at Pioneers 2014, and Websummit 2014. In March 2016 the company won the Big Impact Award at the Mobile Premier Awards in Barcelona. It is considered the most important mobile app award worldwide.
What People Are Saying About The Mimi Music iOS App
I think I have tried all the hearing aid apps in the app store. This is the best, and the only one without a delay. - SoftwareEng
This app is absolutely breathtaking. The quality of my hearing went to hell due to me blasting music in my ears 24/7, but with Mimi Music I got the quality I once loved back! Thank you so much! Please make sure Mimi Music is available FOREVER! - LouieGaga
At this moment, I'm listening to a favorite song and hearing tonal qualities that I haven't heard since I was a kid. It's amazing that this little app can enrich my hearing range so easily. - Heavypen