Disability Casting: People Who Love to Travel
Ian C. Langtree - Writer/Editor for Disabled World (DW)
Published: 2024/01/13
Publication Type: Announcement / Notification
Topic: Casting Positions Available - Publications List
Page Content: Synopsis - Introduction - Main
Synopsis: GENUINE, a NYC casting company are seeking people who love to travel, and are especially looking to feature people with physical disabilities who love to travel.
• They are asking people to submit their story via an online survey.
GENUINE, a NYC based casting company specializes in finding all kinds of people for commercials, web videos, and print advertisements. They are currently looking for people who love to travel, and are especially looking to feature people with physical disabilities who love to travel.
Main Item
GENUINE are especially interested to hear from those in Arkansas, Chicago, Denver, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Louisiana, Miami, New Mexico, New York City, Oklahoma, Orlando, Phoenix, San Francisco, & Washington D.C. You do NOT need to live in or near one of these areas to qualify.
If selected for the final project, you will be paid $750 per full filming day plus a possible additional $5,000 for usage for 5 years if you are featured in the final internet video project.
Now Casting: People Who Love to Travel
GENUINE is looking for:
Groups - Couples, Friends, and Families
All ethnicities, genders, and abilities ages 10 and up
People who love to travel and discover new places
Travelers who enjoy a range of activities including outdoor adventures, nightlife, food & wine, beach days, and more!
They are asking people to submit their story via an online survey. If selected for the final project, participants will each be paid $750 per full filming day plus a possible additional $5,000 for usage if they are featured in the final internet video project.
Submit via this link https://form.jotform.com/233567624445159
If you would like to be notified of their future projects via email, sign up for their GENUINE Real People Mailing List at https://genuinerealpeople.com/get-cast/