A Very Special Child and Come Touch His Cheek - Poems by Gary Shulman, MS. Ed.
Author: Gary Shulman, MS. Ed. - Contact: shulman.gary@yahoo.com - garyshulman.jimdo.com
Published: 2021/08/07
Topic: Disability Poems, Poetry and Prose - Publications List
Page Content: Synopsis - Introduction - Main
Synopsis: Two poems composed by Gary Shulman, MS. Ed. - Special Needs Consultant and Trainer who began his career working with children with and without disabilities in an inclusive Head Start program in Brooklyn NY.
• For over 24 years he passionately advocated for the needs of these parents as the Social Services and Training Director for Resources for Children with Special Needs, Inc. in NYC.
• Today, Mr. Shulman is happily retired in Palm Springs CA, but still volunteers his time any way he can to provide information to those in need of his expertise.
Gary Shulman, MS. Ed. has spent a lifetime supporting vulnerable families and children. He began his career working with children with and without disabilities in an inclusive Head Start program in Brooklyn NY. He then transitioned to become the Special Needs and Early Childhood Coordinator for the Brooklyn Children's Museum for 10 years.
Main Item
His passion for advocacy grew as he worked more and more with parents of children with disabilities. For over 24 years he passionately advocated for the needs of these parents as the Social Services and Training Director for Resources for Children with Special Needs, Inc. in NYC.
The last 8 years of his working life, Mr. Shulman served as a private Special Needs Consultant conducting hundreds of training sessions throughout NYC and beyond to help parents and professionals find and access the services and systems required to facilitate maximizing the potential of their children with disabilities. Now Mr. Shulman is happily retired in Palm Springs CA, but still volunteers his time any way he can to provide information to those in need of his expertise. Listed below are two poems written by Gary Shulman, MS. Ed. - Special Needs Consultant and Trainer.
A Very Special Child
(Dedicated to Matthew)
In life sometimes an angel appears
As a child with adversity to endure
Yet absolute truth from his mouth would flow
So honest, refreshing and pure
And so in our lives such a child did appear
Diminutive, cherubic and sweet
A smile that would melt a glacier
Often in pain from his head to his feet
Brain and body constantly struggling
Struggling just to survive
Daily functions we'd take for granted
Each day a miracle that he remained alive
To live in this world he was driven
"Please and thank you!"
Would fill each day
Every moment replete with music and laughter
Warming your soul like the sun's healing ray
He knew pure truth as truth should be
No judgments, nor bias nor hate
Once loudly foretelling my nuptial
which came true....and it wasn't just fate
For this innocent child so wracked with pain
Saw beyond the societal norm
And recognized that love is love
Seeing the future in a much purer form
I would love to say the angel lives on
To bless this world today
But his frail and painful body and mind
On earth just could no longer stay
Forever blessed we will always be
His blessings we can never repay
We know his love lives on forever
For eternity and a day
© Gary Shulman, MS. Ed. (August 5, 2021)
Come Touch His Cheek
This child of mine you stare at so,
Please come closer so you will know
Just who my child is and what I see
when those sweet eyes stare back at me
I see no limits to my child's life
Although I know
It will be filled with strife,
I'm hoping that doors will open each day
I'm praying that kindness
will come his way
You look frightened?
You tremble with fear?
Come, come closer
touch him my dear
Touch his cheek so soft
so sweet
Be one of those people
he needs to meet
Someone who will look
and hopefully see
The skill, the talent
The ability
Please come closer
You don't have to speak
Come a little closer
Just touch his cheek
And when you do
you will see
He is no different
than you or me
© Gary Shulman, MS. Ed. - Special Needs Consultant and Trainer