A Voice of a Forlorn Blind Woman
Author: Flora Aguasa - Contact: Contact Details
Published: 2020/03/31
Topic: Disability Poems, Poetry and Prose - Publications List
Page Content: Synopsis - Introduction - Main
Synopsis: A Voice of a Forlorn Blind Woman...October, Please, Leave Me Now and Never Come Back!!! A poem written by Flora Aguasa.
• In 10 minutes, I will be having my surgery. While in the waiting room, I have been able to write a short poem.
• This was written October last year. It just made me realize how beautiful life is and how GOD heals & saves me.
In 10 minutes, I will be having my surgery. While in the waiting room, I have been able to write a short poem.
Main Item
October 2010 I had my first store,
October 2012 I had my second stroke that left me legally blind,
And every October there after, I was in the hospital.
Today, October 31, 2019
I will be having a surgery
Can I say that the month of October is not so good to me?
To my family as well?
My tears are continue flowing
As I'm waiting for the nurse to come and push me up going to the operating room.
October, please, I'm begging you
I had enough!!!
So much of unbearable pain,
So much that I can't carry anymore...
© Flora Aguasa
This was written October last year. It just made me realise how beautiful life is and how GOD heals & saves me.