Here's to the Children Who Don't Quite Fit by Gary Shulman, MS. Ed.
Author: Gary Shulman, MS. Ed. - Contact: Contact Details
Published: 2021/08/25
Topic: Disability Poems, Poetry and Prose - Publications List
Page Content: Synopsis - Introduction - Main
Synopsis: Here's to the Children Who Don't Quite Fit is a poem written by Gary Shulman, MS. Ed.
Here's to the Children Who Don't Quite Fit is a poem written by Gary Shulman, MS. Ed.
Main Item
Here's to the children who don't quite fit
Who run around aimlessly when all the others sit
Who look at the world through eyes unique
And into their souls you'd love to peak
To see just what magic makes them tick
When they look at a tree and call it a stick
Here's to the teens who will not abide
By life's set rules that they push aside
As they rock back and forth in their own special world
While grown-ups grow frustrated with lips tightly curled
Then bursts of brilliance they reveal as they race
While tears of love roll down a parent's face
Expectations often missed but still they yearn
Wondering today what skills they will learn
We hope for the ones who don't quite fit the mold
That the world will be kind as they grow old
We know that the bullies will play their cruel game
Reality is, cruelty sometimes brings shame
But optimism lives in each heart and mind
Of parents and professionals who continue to be kind
With a network of supporters shining bright as the sun
The ones who don't quite fit have already won
Nobody knows the future
So why pretend?
Let's celebrate their victories!
May they never end!!!
©Gary Shulman, MS. Ed.
Also by Gary Shulman, MS. Ed. - A Very Special Child and Come Touch His Cheek