Disability Pictures Clipart, Printables, Wallpaper, Signs and Symbols
Ian C. Langtree - Writer/Editor for Disabled World (DW)
Published: 2011/07/05 - Updated: 2022/02/19
Topic: Disability Accessibility - Publications List
Page Content: Synopsis - Introduction - Main
Synopsis: Collection of photos clipart and printable pictures relating to disabilities and the disabled including accessibility signs and symbols.
• Probably the most recognizable picture associated with disability is the "stick figure in a wheelchair" sign which is the International Symbol of Access, also commonly used as a symbol to define disability parking spaces.
• The International Symbol of Access (ISA), also known as the International Wheelchair Symbol, was designed by Susanne Koefoed in 1968 and consists of a blue square overlaid in white with a stylized image of a person using a wheelchair.
Collection of clip art, photos, and printable pictures relating to disabilities and the disabled including accessibility signs and symbols.
Main Item
Disability and medical clip art links to Braille, wheelchairs, canes, walkers, crutches, sign language, wheelchair basketball, and other disability images.
Probably the most recognizable picture associated with disability is the "stick figure in a wheelchair" sign which is the International Symbol of Access (see below), also commonly used as a symbol to define disability parking spaces. Though this symbol is used to denote disabilities in every day life. It doesn't tell the whole story, and it certainly doesn't help people with invisible disabilities whose disability isn't always obvious. Thus there are many other signs and symbols used today to assist and portray disability and accessibility.
The International Symbol of Access (ISA), (pictured below), also known as the International Wheelchair Symbol, was designed by Susanne Koefoed in 1968 and consists of a blue square overlaid in white with a stylized image of a person using a wheelchair. It is maintained as an international standard, ISO 7001, and a copyrighted image of the International Commission on Technology and Accessibility (ICTA), a committee of Rehabilitation International. Frequently, the symbol denotes the removal of environmental barriers, such as steps, to help also older people, parents with baby carriages, and travelers.
Disability Access Symbols
- Braille Symbol
- Closed Captioning Symbol
- Universal Information Symbol
- Telephone Typewriter Symbol
- International Symbol of Accessibility
- Sign Language Interpretation Symbol
- Large Print / Accessible Print Symbol
- Audio Description for TV, Films & Video
- Assistive Listening Systems Symbol (Ear)
- Assistive Listening System Symbol (Telephone)
- Symbol indicating Audio Description for Theatre & Live Performances
- Symbol indicating Access for Individuals Who Are Blind or Have Low Vision

Websites Providing Disability Pictures, Printables and Clipart
Searching for a picture relating to disability for use on your website or for offline posters etc.? Below is a list of sites offering photos, clipart and printable pictures relating to disabilities and the disabled including accessibility signs and symbols.
Note: Some of these sites provide non-copyrighted royalty free images, however, some sites offer a paid service - either by subscription or pay per image requirement. Please follow the terms of usage required for each site.
- disAbility Related Graphics: From Jim Lubin's web site.
- Flickr: Flickr provides an easy method to store, sort, search and share your photos and pictures online.
- Disability illustrations and clipart: Stock Photography and Royalty Free Stock Photos licensed by Publitek, Inc.
- Pictures of: Provides a range of Disability Pictures, Clip Art, Disabled Photos, Graphics and Icons relating to disabilities.
- Disability Stock Photos and Images: Download stock photos, royalty free images, clip-arts, vectors and illustrations related to disability.
- Disability Clipart: Collection of images depicts a wide range of ages and various disabilities that may be reproduced free of charge by nonprofits, others are required to obtain permission of the program instructor and illustrator.
- Disability Clip Art : Images in collections on CD-Rom or purchase only the images you want to communicate the work of your organization - on brochures, in publications, web pages, PowerPoint presentations, training and educational materials.

Disability Access Signs
These symbols are often used to promote and publicize accessibility of places, programs and other activities for people with various disabilities.
- Access Symbols: Office of Accessible Education - Disability Access Symbols.
- Widgit Symbol Resource Packs: Hundreds of free and low-cost symbol resource packs, created in partnership with professionals.
- Disability Access Symbols: Graphics from the Disability Access Symbols Project produced by the Graphic Artists Guild Foundation.
- Widgit Software: Widgit produce a wide range of symbol-supported learning materials and symbol stories, including extensive topic-based packs ready to go for special and mainstream education.
- The Symbols Inclusion Project (SIP): A collaboration between Widgit Software and Warwickshire IDS (Integrated Disability Service) on the use of symbols to support inclusion and curriculum access. The purpose is to create genuinely inclusive learning environments for all children and young people.
- Total Communication Symbols: Symbols are also used widely to help children and adults with difficulties learning to spell, through to children and adults who are not able to use traditional text as a means of reading and self-expression. Here are a collection of symbols that are free to copy and paste them into documents. (U.K.)
Specific Health Condition Graphics
- Braille Fonts: 2 free downloads of the freeware version, shadow fonts.
- Public Health Image Library (PHIL): Photographs, Illustrations, Videos, and Multimedia Files related to health and disability.
- Sign Language: Clip art of hands showing the sign language alphabet with white and Black Backgrounds for Web TV users.
- Diabetes Clip Art: Clip art developed for "Take Charge of Your Diabetes," a CDC publication that is a guidebook for people with diabetes.
Physical Disability Signs
Businesses have a legal requirement to treat disabled people equally to able bodied people. These symbols advertise your accessibility to employees, customers, audiences, and anyone else who needs access to your building or offices. Examples of places you'll want to promote your accessibility include: advertisements, newsletters, conference and program brochures, membership forms, building signage, floor plans and maps. The provision of Braille and Disability Signs are an important part of ADA and DDA compliance.
- The Office Safety Company: Choose from a great range of Disability and Braille Signs. (U.K.).
- Accessible Parking Signs: Accessible Parking Signs Traffic Signs, Safety Signs, Custom Signs, ADA and Interior Signs. (U.S.).
- Safety Sign Supplies: Disability signs designed to help businesses and public premises comply with the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) regulations. (U.K.).
- Peachtree Business Products: Selection of handicapped signs for your parking lot etc. that clearly indicate designated reserved parking spaces for handicapped permit holders as well as the penalties for unauthorized parking in those spaces.