The Brain Broad's COVID-19 Response

Author: Tsara Shelton
Published: 2020/12/03 - Updated: 2021/08/23
Topic: Tsara's Column - Publications List

Page Content: Synopsis - Introduction - Main

Synopsis: A few of the changes Dr. Lynette Louise, The Brain Broad, made due COVID restrictions.


"There's a lady with a suitcase," I like to say. I get a kick out of picturing my mom, international brain change and behaviour expert Dr. Lynette Louise (commonly referred to as "The Brain Broad"), walking up to another door at another home in another country ready to teach and fall in love with another family, pulling her rolling suitcase behind her. A suitcase carrying her neurofeedback equipment, a tool she uses uniquely well to help people living with mental health challenges and other brain imbalance issues.

Main Item

There are stories from clients around the globe of children and adults alike staring out their windows with wonder and excitement waiting for Lynette, the lady with the suitcase, to arrive and help them. Understand them. Work with everyone in the home.

However, with COVID restrictions she can no longer roll her suitcase up to these doors and enter homes around the world offering her effective neurofeedback and behaviour intensive training to families.

Happily, though, there are many ways she still visits homes to work with families, groups, and companies. Aside from her many published books, articles, videos, and Autism Channel shows (Letters to Lynette is a short segment where she answers viewer's questions that have been sent in, and FIX IT IN FIVE with THE BRAIN BROAD is her international docu-series where she works for five days with families from different countries, teaching behaviour and brain science to viewers along the way) Dr. Lynette Louise has shifted her model from walking up to new doors with her suitcase to appearing remotely with her big brain in the background. And as always, she's helping people make important shifts in their brains and behaviours that give them the knowledge and tools necessary to find their own way to success.

Continued below image.
Dr. Lynette Louise at Leadership Summit, 2020
Dr. Lynette Louise at Leadership Summit, 2020

A Few of the COVID Changes The Brain Broad has Made:


As conferences and workshops have shifted their model to virtual venues or small gatherings with social distancing and other COVID restrictions, The Brain Broad has been tailoring talks to include the realities of this new worldwide pandemic that is affecting our mental and physical health. As a brain and behaviour expert she brings pertinent value to a variety of events with a wide range of topics - recently she did an interview for The Global Autism Summit 2 (Virtual Event) as well as The Annual Albany Leadership Summit (Social Distanced Event). Event planners contact Lynette confident that she's comfortable working within COVID guidelines and has an excellent set-up at home for online presentations.

Working Personally with Groups and Families

Though Lynette is not accepting new clients and isn't walking up to homes and businesses rolling her suitcase behind her, she is still visiting clients virtually. Via the vast network of video and/or audio conferencing apps available, The Brain Broad is able to listen, observe, ask good questions and offer effective suggestions to groups finding themselves faced with new challenges during this pandemic (homeschooling, the sensory issues with mask wearing, group dynamics at the work place shifting and political fights igniting). Lynette is gifted at teaching and helping people gain control of their own brain and behaviour growth during sensitive and challenging times. And because she's always offered virtual guidance to her existing clients she has over thirty years of virtual mental health guidance experience under her belt. Bonus: Because she is also a neurofeedback practitioner she also offers guidance to people with bio-feedback equipment in their homes and offices.

My Favourite Change

Autism On The Road:

Beginning in 2021, Lynette will be travelling and living in an RV with her autistic son, Dar. Together Dar and Lynette will be creating a VLOG for The Autism Channel. The Autism Channel (Free with Amazon Fire TV, Panasonic Viera TVs and Roku devices) creates content for and by autistic individuals and their families. Lynette's award-winning international docu-series FIX IT IN FIVE airs on The Autism Channel, as well as her viewer-mail Q&A show, Letters to Lynette. But though Dar has a cameo at the opening and closing of FIX IT IN FIVE, Autism on The Road will be the first time they get to work together as a team on a personal project. They'll be exploring North America while sharing, often autism specific, challenges, solutions, surprising experiences, and insights with an audience. (Lynette and Dar worked together in the comedy show Living with Lynette, but it was a scripted show, loosely based on reality.) Folks who are interested in Autism On The Road can keep an eye out for updates via Lynette's social media pages and newsletter The Loop, and by subscribing to The Autism Channel. You can also reach out to Lynette personally if you are interested in having her and Dar speak at an event when they are on the road.

Personal Note:

My mom and brother have always wanted to work and travel together. When life has been wildly busy and mom's work has taken her consistently abroad, mom and Dar would take any moment they could to hang out and imagine the day they could make this dream come true. Honestly, it is a beautiful dream that is much deserved, and I feel honoured that she's including audiences for a small portion of it.

These are just a few of the shifts The Brain Broad, aka my mom, has made during this time of shifting in the world.

"A healthy brain is a flexible brain." ~Dr. Lynette Louise, The Brain Broad

One of the things I keep thinking about during this global pandemic is how prescient my mom has been in always teaching the necessary skill of emotional and mental flexibility. My brothers were all on the autism spectrum and mom always insisted on embracing change in our home. So if my brothers were ever in need of a routine, I never saw it. It seemed to me that they handled a change in routine better than most. (Fun Fact: Mom encouraged embracing change in the home but we actually also often changed homes, largely because our weird family was only tolerated by neighbours for short periods of time and mom insisted we live surrounded by a certain amount of acceptance. So, we moved a lot. :D)

Our health is always worth taking care of. We are personally responsible for how we're doing, but it is a wonderful thing to know there are people in this world we can reach out to when we need more information, an expert opinion, or simply support and knowledge that we aren't the only ones struggling to figure life out.

And I know a lady with a suitcase you can reach out to.

Lynette's Websites:

Contact Lynette Louise, D.Sc.,Ph.D. ABD, previously Doubly Board Certified in Neurofeedback, / / 713-213-7682 /

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Author Credentials: Tsara Shelton, author of Spinning in Circles and Learning From Myself, is a contributing editor to Disabled World. Explore Tsara's complete biography for comprehensive insights into her background, expertise, and accomplishments.

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Citing Information and Page References

Disabled World (DW) is a comprehensive online resource providing information and news related to disabilities, assistive technologies, and accessibility. Founded in 2004 our website covers a wide range of topics, including disability rights, healthcare, education, employment, and independent living, with the goal of supporting the disability community and their families.

Cite This Page (APA): Shelton, T. D. (2020, December 3 - Last revised: 2021, August 23). The Brain Broad's COVID-19 Response. Disabled World (DW). Retrieved February 12, 2025 from

Permalink: <a href="">The Brain Broad's COVID-19 Response</a>: A few of the changes Dr. Lynette Louise, The Brain Broad, made due COVID restrictions.

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