Anthropology and Disability: Studies and Information Publications

Summary: The Anthropology and Disability: Studies and Information database at Disabled World (DW) includes a variety of publications such as recent discoveries, anthropological news, and scholarly articles that focus on the intersection of anthropology and disability studies. This collection encompasses research from both sociocultural anthropology, which examines cultural interpretations of disability, and social anthropology, which studies social structures and relationships. Additionally, the database covers medical anthropology, investigating health, disease, and biocultural adaptation, particularly how these relate to disability in different cultural contexts. The database is regularly updated and offers search and sort functionalities for user convenience.

Searching the Database: The data table below lists articles and research papers from our Anthropology and Disability category. Some items may be updated or revised, but the table defaults to sorting by descending publication date; you can search and sort by clicking column headers (JavaScript required).

Anthropology and Disability Publications
Title of
Updated / Revised
Human Civilization at a Crossroads: Authoritarian Decline vs. Unprecedented AbundanceNafeez Ahmed - System Shift LabYesSystematic Review2024/12/16
Evolutionary Brain Genes Linked to Developmental DisordersVlaams Instituut voor BiotechnologieYesExperimental Study2024/10/14
Life from a Single Drop: Rainwater's Role in Forming First Protocell WallsUniversity of ChicagoYesAnthropology News2024/08/242024/08/26
Understanding Baby Talk: How Children's Vocal and Cognitive Signals Influence AdultsFlorida Atlantic UniversityYesObservational Study2024/08/06
Primordial Soup: What Ensured the Stability of the First Molecules?Technical University of Munich (TUM)YesAnthropology News2024/08/02
Western Equine Encephalitis: Evolution's Role in Reducing Its Threat But Need for VigilanceHarvard Medical SchoolYesExperimental Study2024/07/25
Floating Duck Syndrome Leads to Hard Work Without Achieving GoalsCambridge UniversityYesInformative2024/07/24
Study Reveals Characteristics of LUCA, the Last Universal Common AncestorUniversity of BristolYesData & Statistical Analysis2024/07/122024/09/29
Study on Heart Architecture Provides Insights into Human EvolutionSwansea UniversityYesAnthropology News2024/06/142024/06/15
Groundbreaking Study Reveals Elephants Use Individualized Vocal Labels, Mirroring Human NamingColorado State UniversityYesObservational Study2024/06/102024/06/11
Transmission of Leprosy Between Red Squirrels and Humans in Medieval EnglandCell PressYesObservational Study2024/05/032025/01/24
Plant Evolution Study Unveils Range of Applications From Conservation to Medicinal BreakthroughsThe New York Botanical GardenYesData & Statistical Analysis2024/04/24
Graphitisation: Recreating Plausible Conditions for the Origin of LifeUniversity of CambridgeYesSimulation, Modelling2024/04/18
Changing Perspectives: How Generation X's Views On Evolution Are EvolvingUniversity of MichiganYesInformative2024/04/10
New Evidence for an RNA World: Modeling the Origins of LifeSalk InstituteYesExperimental Study2024/03/05
How Bacteria Thrive Amidst a Viral Epidemic sans Social DistancingMarine Biological LaboratoryYesMeta-analysis2024/02/162024/02/17
Evolutionary Origin of a Mysterious Human Immune System MoleculePennsylvania State UniversityYesExperimental Study2024/01/30
Evolutionary Study Shows How Humans Learned to WalkNew York UniversityYesEcology and Evolution2024/01/29
Findings Suggest Early Primates, Including Humans, Possibly Thrived in PairsUniversity of ZurichYesMeta-analysis2024/01/03
Exploring Extremes: Unveiling the Secret Life of Microbes Thriving a Mile UndergroundNorthwestern UniversityYesExperimental Study2023/11/28
Pollen Analysis May Explain When and How the Flow of Homo Sapiens Into Eurasia HappenedUniversity of KansasYesAnthropology News2023/09/23
New Research Sheds Light on Animal EvolutionDepartment of Earth Sciences, University of OxfordYesEcology and Evolution2023/06/29
We Are all Asgardians: New Clues to the Origin of Complex LifeUniversity of Texas at AustinYesAnthropology News2023/06/222024/04/24
Amino Acid Essential for Life Found in Interstellar SpaceCarmen del Puerto Varela Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC)YesScientific Discovery2023/06/202023/06/27
The Evolutionary Origin of Cognitive FlexibilityRuhr-University BochumYesStudy2023/06/162023/06/27
Dupuytren's Disease (Viking Disease) Hand Disorder May Come From Neandertal GenesOxford University Press USAYesAnthropology News2023/06/142023/06/27
How Evolution Impacts the EnvironmentUniversity of Rhode IslandYesResearch, Study, Analysis2023/06/052024/04/24
Humans Evolved Flexible Feet Arches to Walk UprightFrontiersYes2023/05/30
Where Do Our Limbs Come From?University of Colorado Anschutz Medical CampusYes2023/05/24
Research by Texas A&M Redefines Mammalian Tree of LifeTexas A&M UniversityYesAnthropology News2023/04/292023/09/21
Brain Evolution Study Suggests Catalyst for How the Human Brain EvolvedGladstone InstitutesYes2023/04/27
Ancient DNA Reveals Multiethnic Structure of Mongolia's First Nomadic EmpireMax Planck Institute for EvolutionaryYes2023/04/14
Shedding Light On Life's Evolution 800 Million Years AgoVirginia TechYesInformative2023/03/222024/04/24
Nickelback Peptide May Have Sparked Life on EarthRutgers UniversityYesFindings2023/03/122024/08/26
Origins Federation: Major Quest to Find Origins of Life in the UniverseETH ZurichYesAnnouncement / Notification2023/03/052023/09/14
Emergence of Life Intertwined with Chemical and Physical Early EarthUniversity of RochesterYes2023/02/112023/02/13
Humans Still Understand Chimpanzee and Bonobo GesturesPLOSYes2023/01/242023/01/25
Unique Human DNA Evolution Was a Balancing ActGladstone InstitutesYes2023/01/14
Dinosaur and Bird Fossils Reveal Diversity of Prehistoric PatagoniaUniversity of Texas at AustinYes2023/01/12
Evolution Disabled Human Body Hair GenesUniversity of UtahYes2023/01/062023/01/17
Convergent Evolution: The Evolving Evolution of EvolutionUniversity of WürzburgYesInformative2023/01/062024/04/24
Oldest Known Projectile Points in Americas Discovered in IdahoOregon State UniversityYes2022/12/242023/01/17
Evolution of Life: Drying Process May Have Been Key StepUniversity of Wisconsin–MadisonYes2022/12/23
Emergence of New Genes Cause Humans to Continually EvolveCell PressYes2022/12/222023/01/03
Orangutans and Humans Share Similar Speech OriginsUniversity of WarwickYes2022/12/21
Octopuses, Evolution and Genetic Dark MatterDartmouth CollegeYes2022/12/202023/01/03
Octopus and Human Brain SimilaritiesMax Delbrück CenterYes2022/11/252023/01/04
Brain Evolution from 525 Million Year Old FossilUniversity of ArizonaYes2022/11/252023/01/04
Our Ancient Relatives Were Not So SimpleUniversity of NottinghamYes2022/11/122023/04/29
Human, Ape and Monkey Brain DifferencesUniversity of Wisconsin-MadisonYes2022/11/08
500 Million Year Old Fossils Answer Evolution QuestionUniversity of OxfordYes2022/11/022023/01/04
Octopus Visual System Gives Clue to Brain EvolutionUniversity of OregonYes2022/10/312023/01/04
10,000-year-old Child Burial Shows Use of Baby Carrier and HeirloomsUniversity of Colorado DenverYes2022/10/212023/01/04
Neanderthal Family Structure RevealedMax Planck Institute for Evolutionary AnthropologyYes2022/10/192023/01/04
Neandertal DNA May Provide Answers to Brain Disorder Genetic RisksEstonian Research CouncilYes2022/10/062023/01/04
European Impact on Tonga and Pacific islandsAustralian National UniversityYes2022/10/012023/01/04
Marine Phosphate Availability and Chemical Origins of Life on EarthUniversity of CambridgeYes2022/09/272023/01/04
Salamander Brain Regeneration Unlocks Mysteries of Evolution and RegenerationBGI GenomicsYes2022/09/262023/01/04
Mutations and Evolution: Tracking a Network of 100,000 MutantsOkinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) Graduate UniversityYes2022/09/202023/01/04
Why Humans Walk UprightHarvard UniversityYes2022/09/122023/01/04
Ancient DNA Provides Detailed Genomic History of the Cradle of CivilizationAmerican Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)Yes2022/08/252023/01/04
Sahelanthropus Tchadensis and Bipedalism StudyFrench National Centre for Scientific Research2022/08/242023/01/04
Skull Study on Human and Neandertal InterbreedingNorth Carolina State UniversityYes2022/08/232023/01/04
The Evolution of Human NeuronsOkinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) Graduate UniversityYes2022/08/082023/01/04
The Human Brain Did Not Shrink 3,000 Years AgoUniversity of Nevada, Las Vegas2022/08/062023/01/04
Kenyan Baboons Borrowed Genes from Their CousinsDuke UniversityYes2022/08/052023/01/04
Disease and Famine Drove Evolution of Lactose ToleranceUniversity of BristolYes2022/07/312023/01/04
Prehistoric Roots of Herpes Traced Through Ancient DNAUniversity of CambridgeYes2022/07/272023/01/04
The Importance of Elders for Societal LongevityUniversity of California - Santa BarbaraYesPaper, Essay2022/07/172024/10/13
Study in Child Language Deficits Reveals Importance of Voluntary Imagination in Language EvolutionDr. Andrey VyshedskiyYes2022/07/142023/01/04
Meraxes Gigas Dinosaur Provides Insight Into Why Many Prehistoric Meat-Eaters Had Tiny ArmsUniversity of MinnesotaYes2022/07/112023/01/04
Yunnanozoans Are Oldest Known Stem VertebratesChinese Academy of Sciences HeadquartersYes2022/07/102023/01/04
Building Blocks for RNA Based Life Abundant in Our GalaxyFrontiersYesAnthropology News2022/07/082024/03/05
Cradle of Humankind Fossils Over a Million Years Older than Previously ThoughtPurdue UniversityYesEcology & Evolution2022/06/292024/04/10
Human and Octopus Brains Share Same Jumping GenesScuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi AvanzatiYes2022/06/272023/01/04
Will Dragon Man Fossil Replace Neanderthals as Humans Closest RelativeCell PressYes2021/07/052022/08/23
Protein That May Have Existed When Life Began IdentifiedRutgers University2018/09/062018/09/10
Evolution: Why the Young are Often More Susceptible to InfectionUniversity of Bath2018/07/012019/05/16
How Our Ancestors With Autistic Traits Led a Revolution in Ice Age ArtUniversity of YorkYesAnthropology News2018/05/142024/04/10
Fish Provide Insight Into Immune System EvolutionUniversity of East AngliaYesResearch, Study, Analysis2017/11/062024/04/24
How Neanderthals Influenced Human Genetics at Asia and Europe CrossroadsUniversity at BuffaloYes2017/11/042022/08/23
Sungir Homo Sapiens Visualized in 3D Virtual RealityVisual Science2017/10/08
The Hominin Species That Gave Us Genital HerpesUniversity of CambridgeYesInformative2017/10/022023/12/13
Modern Humans Emerged Over 350,000 Years AgoUniversity of Johannesburg2017/09/28
Ötzi, the 5,000 Year Old IcemanGeorgia Institute of TechnologyYesAnthropology News2017/08/232024/02/10
Clues to Ghost Species of Ancient Human DiscoveredUniversity at BuffaloYesAnthropology News2017/07/212024/06/05
Why a Teen with Bone Cancer Was Buried on Witch Hill in 1300 ADSmithsonian Tropical Research InstituteYesAnthropology News2017/06/022023/09/21
Where Do Humans Come From? Homo Naledi's Young Age Creates More QuestionsUniversity of the Witwatersrand2017/05/122021/03/17
Human Ways of Thinking Evolved 1.8M Years AgoIndiana University2017/05/10
Autism and Human Evolutionary Emergence of Collaborative MoralityUniversity of YorkYesAnthropology News2016/11/152024/04/10
Creation, Evolution, and the Handicapped: Crushing the Death ImagePastor Richard Luther CorwinLiterature / Review2016/06/232024/04/15
Course of Human Evolution Could Change With Gene Editing TechnologyIssues in Science and TechnologyYesObservational Study2016/04/072023/06/28
How Our Ancestors Turned Disability Into AdvantageUniversity of YorkYesInformative2015/08/052024/04/24
What is the Paleolithic or Caveman DietGeorgia State University2014/12/162017/05/10
Evolutionary Roots of the Ebola VirusUniversity at Buffalo2014/10/242020/12/08
The Genetic Legacy of Fear: How Phobias May Be Inherited Across GenerationsThomas C. WeissInformative2014/08/112024/11/05
Why Male Noses Are Larger than Female NosesUniversity of Iowa2013/11/192021/10/03
Charles Dickens Literature Showcased Discrimination Against DisabledAmerican Friends of Tel Aviv University2013/01/162022/02/24
Humans Losing Intellectual and Emotional AbilitiesCell Press2012/11/122022/03/16
Genetic Engineering: Crafting Our Own EvolutionCase Western Reserve University2012/10/272021/07/07
Research Confirms Humans Are Part NeanderthalUniversity of MontrealYes2012/02/282022/08/23
Did Elizabeth Barrett Browning Have Hypokalemic Periodic ParalysisPenn StateInformative2011/12/202024/02/17
Changes in Traditional American FamiliesThomas C. Weiss2011/09/152021/12/29
Asthma Study by Medical AnthropologistUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison2011/02/202022/05/28
You Are What Your Father AteUniversity of Massachusetts Medical SchoolYesResearch Study Analysis2010/12/252024/01/29
Alternative Evolution: Why Change Your Own Genes When You Can Borrow Someone Else'sUniversity of Rochester2010/07/102017/05/10
Ardipithecus Ramidus - Ardi - Oldest Skeleton of Human AncestorsArdi2009/10/122017/05/10

Note: Disabled World presents this compilation of publications relevant to disabilities as a valuable resource. However, inclusion in the database does not necessarily imply endorsement or agreement with the content by

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Disabled World (DW) is a comprehensive online resource providing information and news related to disabilities, assistive technologies, and accessibility. Founded in 2004 our website covers a wide range of topics, including disability rights, healthcare, education, employment, and independent living, with the goal of supporting the disability community and their families.

Cite This Page (APA): Disabled World (DW). (Rev. 2025, January 5). Anthropology and Disability: Studies and Information Publications. Disabled World (DW). Retrieved February 11, 2025 from

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