Findings Suggest Early Primates, Including Humans, Possibly Thrived in Pairs

Primate Social Organization Evolved from a Flexible Pair-Living Ancestor

Author: University of Zurich
Published: 2024/01/03
Publication Type: Meta-analysis - Peer-Reviewed: Yes
Contents: Summary - Definition - Introduction - Main - Related

Synopsis: Recent research indicates that many primates - which includes humans - are not in fact solitary but lived in pairs of males and females. Over several years, the researchers built a detailed database, which covered almost 500 populations from over 200 primate species, from primary field studies. Our model shows that the ancestral social organization of primates was variable and that pair-living was by far the most likely form, and only about 15% of our ancestors were solitary. Living in larger groups evolved later in the history of primates.


Primates - and this includes humans - are thought of as highly social animals. Many species of monkeys and apes live in groups. Lemurs and other Strepsirrhines, often colloquially referred to as "wet-nosed" primates, in contrast, have long been believed to be solitary creatures, and it has often been suggested that other forms of social organization evolved later. Previous studies have therefore attempted to explain how and when pair-living evolved in primates.

Main Digest

More recent research, however, indicates that many nocturnal Strepsirrhines, which are more challenging to investigate, are not in fact solitary but live in pairs of males and females. But what does this mean for the social organization forms of the ancestors of all primates? And why do some species of monkey live in groups, while others are pair-living or solitary?

Different Forms of Social Organization

Researchers at the Universities of Zurich and Strasbourg have now examined these questions. For their study, Charlotte Olivier from the Hubert Curien Pluridisciplinary Institute collected detailed information on the composition of social units in primate populations in the wild. Over several years, the researchers built a detailed database, which covered almost 500 populations from over 200 primate species, from primary field studies.

More than half of the primate species recorded in the database exhibited more than one form of social organization.

"The most common social organization were groups in which multiple females and multiple males lived together, for example chimpanzees or macaques, followed by groups with only one male and multiple females - such as in gorillas or langurs," says last author Adrian Jaeggi from the University of Zurich. "But one-quarter of all species lived in pairs."

Smaller Ancestors Coupled Up

Taking into account several socioecological and life history variables such as body size, diet or habitat, the researchers calculated the probability of different forms of social organization, including for our ancestors who lived some 70 million years ago. The calculations were based on complex statistical models developed by Jordan Martin at UZH's Institute of Evolutionary Medicine.

Continued below image.
A pair of chimpanzee sit on a grassy bank near water.
A pair of chimpanzee sit on a grassy bank near water.

To reconstruct the ancestral state of primates, the researchers relied on fossils, which showed that ancestral primates were relatively small-bodied and arboreal - factors that strongly correlate with pair-living.

"Our model shows that the ancestral social organization of primates was variable and that pair-living was by far the most likely form," says Martin. Only about 15 percent of our ancestors were solitary, he adds. "Living in larger groups therefore only evolved later in the history of primates."

Pairs with Benefits

In other words, the social structure of early primates was likely more similar to that of humans today than previously assumed.

"Many, but by no means all of us, live in pairs while also being a part of extended families and larger groups and societies," Jaeggi says. However, pair-living among early primates did not equate to sexual monogamy or cooperative infant care, he adds. "It is more likely that a specific female and a specific male would be seen together for most of the time and share the same home range and sleeping site, which was more advantageous to them than solitary living," explains last author Carsten Schradin from Strasbourg.

This enabled them to fend off competitors or keep each other warm, for example.


Charlotte-Anaïs Olivier, Jordan Martin, et al. Primate Social Organization Evolved from a Flexible Pair-Living Ancestor, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 28th December 2023.


This peer reviewed publication titled Findings Suggest Early Primates, Including Humans, Possibly Thrived in Pairs was chosen for publishing by Disabled World's editors due to its relevance to the disability community. While the content may have been edited for style, clarity, or brevity, it was originally authored by University of Zurich and published 2024/01/03. For further details or clarifications, you can contact University of Zurich directly at Disabled World does not provide any warranties or endorsements related to this article.

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Cite This Page (APA): University of Zurich. (2024, January 3). Findings Suggest Early Primates, Including Humans, Possibly Thrived in Pairs. Disabled World. Retrieved May 19, 2024 from

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