Disability Project Ideas for School Lessons and Assignments
Ian C. Langtree - Writer/Editor for Disabled World (DW)
Published: 2012/04/27 - Updated: 2021/09/16
Topic: Disability Education - Publications List
Page Content: Synopsis Introduction Main
Synopsis: A number of project suggestions for teachers wishing to educate students on disabilities and disability awareness.
• The ADA has a three-part definition of "disability." This definition, based on the definition under the Rehabilitation Act, reflects the specific types of discrimination experienced by people with disabilities.
• The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires public schools to make available to all eligible children with disabilities a free appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment appropriate to their individual needs.
According to a U.S. federal survey students with disabilities represented nearly 11% of all postsecondary students in 2008. The information below offers project and assignment suggestions for teachers wishing to educate students on disabilities and disability awareness.
Main Item
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires public schools to make available to all eligible children with disabilities a free appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment appropriate to their individual needs. To examine how universities and colleges cater to the needs of students with disabilities see our Listing of colleges and universities in the United States - disability policy and information for students and faculty can be found on each individual educational institute site.
Definitions of Disability:
"Disability" is a word often used in daily conversations and holds different meanings for different people. Do these different meanings matter? What is there to be gained by trying to define disability more precisely and to attempt to use the word in consistent ways - Definitions of Disability.
Definitions of The Models of Disability:
List of definitions and explanations of the various Models of Disability used in society today - Definitions of The Models of Disability
Disability Infographic:
Our colorful infographic examines the subject of disability in America today, and highlights just some of the obstacles and challenges that disabled Americans face on a day to day basis - Disability in America Infographic.
Disability Etiquette and Awareness:
Etiquette and awareness refers to educating people regarding disabilities and terminology or languages. The biggest barriers people with disabilities encounter are most often - other people - Disability Etiquette and Awareness.
Teaching Kids Disability Etiquette:
Age appropriate education and refreshers are very important to teach our children. Many kids with disabilities are being integrated into the mainstream of the public school system. In order to achieve a successful integration, it is important to implement disability awareness. In addition, today's children are our future; teaching them tolerance of those who are differently Abled now, ensures a more accepting society in years to come - Teaching Kids Disability Etiquette.
Awareness Days, Weeks and Months:
Large list of US National and International awareness days, weeks, or months set by a major organization or government to commemorate a medical research or ethical cause of importance. The list provides a huge variety of topics that could be used as school projects - List of Awareness Days, Weeks and Months.
Famous People with Disabilities:
Despite the various challenges of their everyday lives, many people with disabilities are able to overcome their physical or mental disability. Disabled World provides a list of famous and well known people with various disabilities and conditions including actors, politicians and writers who have contributed to society.
When You Meet a Blind Person:
Visually impaired people, whether they are totally blind or have some degree of useful vision may, at times, require the assistance of a sighted guide. For the sake of simplicity, the term "blind person" is used in this booklet to refer to the person who is being guided, whether totally blind or partially sighted. Tips on meeting a blind person including when to offer assistance and awareness hints for helping the blind - When You Meet a Blind Person.
Wheelchair Etiquette:
The first rule of etiquette when interacting with people in wheelchairs, or power chairs, is to remember that one should not focus on their disability. Instead, focus on the person. Another rule of etiquette is the act of shaking hands, even if their limbs are limited in use. Focus on the person, not on his or her disability - Wheelchair Etiquette.
Language of Disability Awareness:
How do I address a person who is blind? Can I ask about itWhat should I say? Examples of ways to address a person with a disability such as being blind or deaf - Language of Disability Awareness.
Wheelchair Users Poll:
Poll asks people who use wheelchairs what annoys them most - Things That Annoy People Who Use Wheelchairs.
Awareness Ribbon Campaigns:
List of awareness ribbon colors and associated causes regarding health and disability Includes printable awareness ribbon chart - Awareness Ribbons Chart - Colors and Meanings of Awareness Ribbon Causes.
Disability Quotes:
"It is a waste of time to be angry about my disability. One has to get on with life and I haven't done badly. People won't have time for you if you are always angry or complaining. " - Stephen Hawking. Other interesting Quotations Regarding Disabilities.
Paralympic Games:
The Paralympic Games are a multi-sport event for athletes with physical, mental and sensorial disabilities. The Paralympic Games are held every four years, following the Olympic Games, and are governed by the International Paralympic Committee. With the 2012 London Summer Paralympic Games taking place between 29 August and 9 September 2012, now would be the perfect time for students to create projects regarding the history etc. of this major international multi-sport event.
Disability History Week:
A week in October has been designated as Disability History Week, to acknowledge the role and contributions of individuals with disabilities in society. During an established Disability History Week, states will require their public schools to infuse instruction and activities related to disability history into the existing school curriculum.
Hopefully these topics will give you some ideas for classroom assignments as well as educating children regarding disabilities and disability issues.