List of Canadian Disability Scholarships
Ian C. Langtree - Writer/Editor for Disabled World (DW)
Published: 2009/09/18 - Updated: 2023/05/03
Topic: Disability Scholarships - Publications List
Page Content: Synopsis Introduction Main
Synopsis: A list of general disability scholarships open to students with disabilities in Canada and Canadian Provinces.
• Students with disabilities in Ontario may be eligible for a Canada Study Grant through the Canada Student Loans Program and OSAP Bursary for Students with Disabilities.
• This list of Canadian Disability Scholarships is a work in progress. If you know, or offer, such scholarships please contact us so we can add the scholarship to our list.
Terry Fox Humanitarian Award Program
Based on demonstration of good citizenship and humanitarian service, perseverance in overcoming obstacles, the pursuit of academic excellence, and the pursuit of excellence in amateur sport, fitness and health; the value of the award is $4000 annually.
Main Item
Toronto Rehab Scholarship in Rehabilitation-Related Research for Students with Disabilities
Toronto Rehab is awarding scholarships for rehabilitation-related research to grad students with disabilities.
Applicants must plan to be enrolled in a rehab-related graduate program leading to a masters or doctoral degree at one of the following universities:
- McMaster, Ryerson
- University of Toronto
- Waterloo
- Wilfred Laurier
- York
Aird Scholarship
For full-time students with physical disabilities entering their first year of studies. Two awards of $2,500 each are distributed annually.
Marc Chenier Memorial Awards (Nipissing University Award)
Presented to two deserving students in good academic standing, taking three or more courses, who are in one of the following categories:
- 1) a special needs student who has shown persistence and courage in pursuing his/her studies;
- 2) a student who is aiding a special needs person on campus or in the community;
- 3) a student who heightens awareness of special needs on campus or in the community.
The final decision is made by the Student Affairs Committee. Candidates must be recommended to the Financial Aid Office by October 15.
Copnick/Hilliard Scholarship Fund
$1,000 for a physically disabled student. Deadline for application is August 31 of each year.
Justin Eves Foundation Scholarship
For students with disabilities attending college or university, up to $3000.
Lilly-MDAO Moving Lives Forward Scholarship
The "Lilly-MDAO Moving Lives Scholarship" will help 6 scholarship recipients' from across Ontario with mood disorders resume their studies and achieve their goals by providing them with financial assistance.
GE Foundation Canada Scholarships
A $4,000 per year scholarship for the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th years of your undergraduate program.
An opportunity to be mentored by a business leader at GE in Canada.
Inclusion in GE Foundation Scholar-Leaders activities, including a specially designed summer leadership seminar.
Participation in community development projects
AUCC Scholarship Program for Students with Disabilities
The objective of this scholarship program is to encourage Canadian students with disabilities interested in obtaining a first university degree, to pursue university studies.
Up to ten (10) scholarships valued at $5,000 CDN.
Mattinson Endowment Fund Scholarship for Disabled Students
For undergraduate studies; $2,500 per year.
NEADS Equity Through Education Scholarships & Awards
This project, which was launched in the spring of 2006, creates equitable opportunities for post-secondary students with disabilities by offering funding to eligible students and campus groups.
$3,000, and up to four scholarships per academic year which may be awarded in the following categories of study University undergraduate;
- Graduate/Professional
- College/CEGEP
Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Association of Ontario's Dr. E. Bruce Hendrick Scholarship Program
For individuals with Spina Bifida and/or Hydrocephalus residing in Ontario that are pursuing higher education.
$1000 award for University students, $500 for College students.
Roy Cooper Scholarship
For a high school student with a documented LD entering university or college in an engineering or physical sciences program; $1000; apply by May 30.
Student Awards Website
Canadian database of thousands of scholarships, bursaries, fellowships, grants and other financial awards.
Bursary for Students with Disabilities
Students with disabilities in Ontario may be eligible for a Special Opportunity Grant (Canada Study Grant) through the Canada Student Loans Program and the OSAP Bursary for Students with Disabilities.
Applications for this bursary are available through disability services offices and student awards offices in the province.
This list of Canadian Disability Scholarships is a work in progress. If you know, or offer, such scholarships please contact us so we can add the scholarship to our list.