Assistive Technology Loan Program in New York
Author: National Disability Institute
Published: 2016/04/05 - Updated: 2023/11/30
Publication Type: Announcement / Notification
Topic: Loans and Grants - Publications List
Page Content: Synopsis - Introduction - Main
Synopsis: National Disability Institute, Spring Bank and Bronx Independent Living Services launch Assistive Technology Loan Program in New York.
• Affordable loans for assistive technology are another step in ensuring all people with disabilities can participate more fully in the marketplace.
• Assistive Technology (AT) loans include home and vehicle modification, ramps, computers, hearing aids, and other equipment that will increase individuals' independence, productivity, and quality of life.
National Disability Institute (NDI), in partnership with Spring Bank and Bronx Independent Living Services (BILS), announces the launch of an Assistive Technology (AT) Loan Program in selected areas of New York. The NDI AT Loan Program will provide low-interest loans to people with disabilities, seniors, and veterans through participating financial institutions. Spring Bank will be the first bank to pilot this groundbreaking loan program.
Main Item
Assistive Technology (AT) loans include home and vehicle modification, ramps, computers, hearing aids, and other equipment to increase individuals' independence, productivity, and quality of life. Loans will range from $500 to a maximum of $10,000 at eight percent interest and with terms of up to 36 months.
"National Disability Institute is pleased to partner with Spring Bank and Bronx Independent Living Services to bring this unique assistive technology loan program to benefit individuals with disabilities in New York," Michael Morris, NDI Executive Director, said. "Too often, people with disabilities have been turned down for consumer loans because of bad or poor credit history. This assistive technology loan program can potentially significantly and positively impact the lives of people with disabilities."
"The Assistive Technology Loan is an important addition to the consumer loan program at Spring Bank," Eric Pallas, Spring Bank President, said. "I think we are fulfilling a real personal need by assisting people with disabilities to improve their quality of life in a meaningful way." He added, "We are providing access to fair and affordable credit to people who would not otherwise have been able to obtain it, and we are happy to partner with National Disability Institute and Bronx Independent Living Services to accomplish this goal."
"Bronx Independent Living Services is honored to be part of such a great collaboration with NDI and Spring Bank," Brett Eisenberg, BILS Executive Director, said. "Affordable loans for assistive technology are another step in the right direction of ensuring all people with disabilities can participate more fully in the marketplace. These loans are also crucial in helping individuals live as independently as possible in the community by giving them access to the resources they need to succeed."
The NDI AT Loan Program will operate in New York City, Bronx, Nassau, Suffolk, and Westchester counties.
To be eligible, people applying for a loan must be a resident of one of the counties and 18 years of age or older.
Family members, guardians, or authorized representatives may apply on behalf of children or other family members, understanding that the device or service is for the use of the person with a disability.
Case managers from BILS are available to assist individuals in determining which AT may best meet their needs. BILS' staff can help applicants to complete the online AT loan application and submit supporting documentation if an AT purchase with a loan is the best option to meet an individual's needs.
Funding for the AT Loan Program is provided through the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS). Technical assistance is provided by RESNA: Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America.
Attribution/Source(s): This quality-reviewed publication was selected for publishing by the editors of Disabled World (DW) due to its relevance to the disability community. Originally authored by National Disability Institute and published on 2016/04/05, this content may have been edited for style, clarity, or brevity. For further details or clarifications, National Disability Institute can be contacted at NOTE: Disabled World does not provide any warranties or endorsements related to this article.