Funds Available for Disability Advocacy Education
Ian C. Langtree - Writer/Editor for Disabled World (DW)
Published: 2013/06/04 - Updated: 2023/11/30
Publication Type: Announcement / Notification
Topic: Loans and Grants - Publications List
Page Content: Synopsis Introduction Main
Synopsis: Self-advocates and parents raising children with disabilities can apply to NC Council for Developmental Disabilities for funds needed to attend conferences or educational seminars.
• There is a limit of $600 in funding per year for in-state events or $800 per year for out-of-state for any individual applicant.
• Those eligible for reimbursement of expenses include people with an intellectual or other developmental disability (I/DD), parents, family members, guardians, or parents of a child at risk of I/DD.
Rossi Fund reimburses individuals for training and conferences to improve advocacy skills of people with intellectual or developmental disabilities or parents.
Main Item
Self-advocates and parents raising children with disabilities are encouraged to apply to the NC Council for Developmental Disabilities for funds needed to attend conferences or educational seminars that improve knowledge, and networking and advocacy skills.
Those eligible for reimbursement of expenses include people with an intellectual or other developmental disability (I/DD), parents, family members, guardians, or parents of a child at risk of I/DD.
All recipients must be residents of North Carolina and will be expected to complete a Rossi Fund Participant Survey to share knowledge with the community and the Council.
The Jean Wolff-Rossi Fund for Participant Involvement has funds available to reimburse applicants for costs incurred, including seminar or conference registration, child care, personal assistance, lodging costs and transportation. The fund will only partially cover the costs of attending such events so that more people can receive financial help.
There is a limit of $600 in funding per year for in-state events or $800 per year for out-of-state for any individual applicant.
Other considerations in making awards from the Rossi Fund are whether this is a first time user of the Fund, a first time attendee for the activity or event, will the attendee enhance ethnic or cultural diversity and is the applicant from rural or under-served areas of the state.
The 40-member North Carolina Council on Developmental Disabilities seeks to support effective and innovative initiatives that promote community inclusion, independence, productivity, self-determination and integration for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families.