PHFA Supports Healthy Housing and Communities
Author: Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency
Published: 2011/05/02 - Updated: 2022/04/11
Topic: Disability Housing - Publications List
Page Content: Synopsis Introduction Main
Synopsis: The PHFA Housing Services Conference is a three-day event providing a focal point for training and networking activities for housing service coordinators and property managers.
• A new feature of this year's conference is the opportunity for residents and housing management and service partners to work together on a Housing Services Common Thread Quilt Project through the creation of quilt squares. The goal is to complete three quilts to be unveiled during the conference.
• We believe that health is more than a matter of physical well-being, which is why we've developed this year's conference to promote healthy housing that enhances the complete mental and social well-being of the state's residents as well.
The Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency announced that registration is open for its 2011 Housing Services Conference June 21-23 in State College at The Penn Stater Conference Center. The theme for this year's conference is "Healthy Housing/Healthy Communities," referencing all the great things that can take place in a housing setting that adds to a healthy life and contributes to a healthy community.
Main Item
"We're excited to celebrate more than 38 years of providing housing that is safe, decent, affordable - and healthy - at this year's Housing Services Conference," said Brian A. Hudson Sr., PHFA executive director and CEO. "We believe that health is more than a matter of physical well-being, which is why we've developed this year's conference to promote healthy housing that enhances the complete mental and social well-being of the state's residents, as well."
PHFA's Housing Services Conference is an annual three-day event that provides a focal point for training and networking activities for housing service coordinators and property managers in the Commonwealth. By bringing professionals from around the Commonwealth together for an open exchange of the latest information and trends in the industry, the conference promotes higher standards of professionalism among housing service providers.
A new feature of this year's conference is the opportunity for residents and housing management and service partners to work together on a Housing Services Common Thread Quilt Project through the creation of quilt squares. The goal is to complete three quilts to be unveiled during the conference.
The Housing Services Conference traditionally is attended by property developers; property owners and housing managers; social workers; service and activities coordinators; human services workers; housing specialists and supportive services staff; and state, county and local government officials, including community action agency personnel, area agency on aging staff, and housing and redevelopment authority officials. Some key topics to be covered during the conference include:
- Promoting acceptance
- Non-smoking policies and bedbugs
- Supporting good financial decisions
- Dealing with hoarding
- Understanding dementia
- Promoting independence in the elderly
- And many other management-related sessions, such as boot camp for property managers, ethics, HUD updates, calculating income and assets, and fair housing.
A Common Thread Quilt networking event is planned for June 21 at the conference marketplace from 3 to 7 p.m. This event will feature a variety of vendors and an opportunity for information sharing, along with the unveiling of three 2011 Common Thread quilts.
This quality-reviewed publication was selected for publishing by the editors of Disabled World (DW) due to its significant relevance to the disability community. Originally authored by Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency, and published on 2011/05/02 (Edit Update: 2022/04/11), the content may have been edited for style, clarity, or brevity. For further details or clarifications, Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency can be contacted at NOTE: Disabled World does not provide any warranties or endorsements related to this article.