Disability ID Cards: How and Where to Obtain One

Ian C. Langtree Content Writer/Editor for Disabled World
Published: 2019/05/21 - Updated: 2023/12/15
Publication Type: Informative
Contents: Summary - Introduction - Main - Related

Synopsis: List of locations and contact information of places that provide Disability ID Cards, or similar forms of identification for people with disabilities. Our list includes countries and/or states that issue a Disability ID Card - or other form of disabled identification. EU Disability Card will ensure equal access to certain benefits, mainly in the area of culture, leisure, sport and transport.


Having an identification card for peoples with disabilities can be a controversial topic.

Main Digest

Is it discrimination?

Is it security to protect your rights?

It is also worth bearing in mind that, in some parts of the world, if someone requires you to prove your disability then they are illegally discriminating against you...

Whatever your thoughts on the topic, some countries/states have them, some countries and states/provinces don't. Some Identity Cards are Government issued, and others by various organisations or service - such as transport.

The list below includes countries and/or states that issue a Disability ID Card - or other form of disability identification. This is by no means a complete list and is a work in progress. If you know of a Country, State, or Province that provides some form of disability identity, please contact us with as many details as you can.

Continued below image.
Identity card clipart.
Identity card clipart.


The National Commission for Persons with Disabilities (NCPD) continues to assist the community of persons with disabilities. NCPD proposes the development of a Mobile App for persons with disabilities and their families (PwDaF), in addition to the creation of a Digital Identification Card for Persons with Disabilities. The primary purpose of the App is to serve as a portal whereby Persons with Disabilities and their families can have access to accurate, timely and reliable information with regard to disability-related services and support. The Digital Identification Card for Persons with Disabilities is being proposed in conjunction with the National Insurance Board, and is based upon on the possibility of NIB cards including the word Disability on the cards of persons with disabilities, similar to what is extended for Seniors.


Disability Travel Card:

The Disability Travel Card is for people of all types of permanent disabilities who require the assistance of a support person when travelling with VIA Rail Canada, Greyhound Canada, and Coach Canada. When a cardholder presents the Disability Travel Card when purchasing a ticket for travel with one of the participating companies mentioned above, one support person can accompany them during travel for a reduced fee. The person with the disability (the Disability Travel Card holder) pays regular ticket price.

European Union

To help people with disabilities travel more easily between EU countries, the EU is developing a system of mutual recognition based on an EU Disability Card. The EU Disability Card will ensure an equal access to certain specific benefits, mainly in the areas of culture, leisure, sport and transport. The Card will be mutually recognized between EU countries participating in the system, on a voluntary basis. A pilot was launched in February 2016 in eight EU countries: Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, Italy, Malta, Slovenia, Romania.

Update: European Disability and Parking Cards


The Unique ID for Persons with Disabilities (UDID) project in India is being implemented with a view of creating a National Database for Persons with Disability (PwDs) and to issue a Unique Disability Identity Card to each person with disabilities - This ID card is also known as SwavlambanCard. The project will help in streamlining the tracking of physical and financial progress of beneficiary at all levels of hierarchy of implementation from Village level, Block level, District level , State level and National level.


Anyone who receives one of the following benefits from the National Insurance Institute is entitled to receive a "Disability card": general disability pension, attendance allowance, benefit for disabled child, mobility allowance, compensation for victims of ringworm, compensation to polio victims.


Japan issues a disability ID called a 障がい者手帳 (shogaisha techo), or disability passbook, disabled card or disability passport. The shogaisha techo contains the persons name, ID number, date of birth, address, issuing authority, disability type and the severity of disability(s).


U.K. Disabled Identification (DID) Card:

Providing a unique disability initiative improving the lives of disabled people and producing a much needed single recognized National Identification (DID) Card for all disabled people. The disabled identification card launched in 2015 and is run by disabled people or parents and relatives of disabled people. This new style ID card is easy and simple - and just one card.

European Disability Card:

Previously known as Mobility Card, this ID will facilitate traveling to another Member State for persons with disabilities. This card will allow them to access certain discounts for culture, leisure, sport, and transport under the same conditions as the nationals with disabilities of that country and be based on mutual recognition of existing cards - (See European Union above).

Update: European Disability and Parking Cards

U.K. Diversability Card:

The U.K. Diversability Card is the official discount card for people with disabilities in the United Kingdom. The Diversability Card provides exclusive and market leading discounts with brands, service and entertainment providers.


U.S. Federal Parks and Recreation Access Pass - Each pass covers entrance fees at national parks and national wildlife refuges as well as standard amenity fees.

Free and Discounted Services and Deals for People with Disabilities - List of discounted and free access passes for disabled including; nature and theme parks, museums, cinemas, transportation, as well as other free services, programs, activities and products.

The Interagency Access Pass is a pass for U.S. citizens or permanent residents medically determined to have a permanent disability. The pass grants free lifetime access to over 2,000 recreation sites managed by: Forest Service, National Park Service, Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Land Management, and Bureau of Reclamation.

The Wallet Card Project is a project of The Disability Independence Group, Inc. designed in collaboration with The Coral Gables Police Department (CGPD), and University of Miami Nova Southeastern University Center for Autism and Related Disabilities. (UM-NSU CARD). The Wallet Card Project is partially funded by The Children's Trust, who is dedicated to improve the lives of children and families in Miami-Dade County.

Individual U.S. States


There is no age requirement for a Georgia Disability Identity card, or drivers license symbol, for applicants with a permanent or temporary disability and wish to have a disability symbol, medical information, and or seating/transportation indicators placed on their driver's license or ID card. Eligibility for Placement of the Disability or medical information must be verified by a medical doctor on the DDS-29 - unless the permanent disability is obvious.


The Illinois Secretary of State issues a special state ID card to persons with certain disabilities. Anyone who lives in Illinois and has a qualifying disability under the Act may get this card. The card serves as proof of disability, and can be used whenever proof is needed to access certain services, programs, or activities. The card also serves as a photo ID. For further information and application for a Disability ID Card contact the Secretary of State's Office at (800) 252-8980.

New York State

New York state is now issuing identity cards for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. A sponsor of the legislation that created the cards, Democratic Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara, was inspired by his son, who has autism. The free ID cards are designed to help police, firefighters and emergency personnel interact with people who may not be able to communicate effectively.

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Disabled World is an independent disability community founded in 2004 to provide news and information to people with disabilities, seniors, their family and carers. You can connect with us on social media such as X.com and Facebook.

Cite This Page (APA): Langtree, I. C. (2019, May 21). Disability ID Cards: How and Where to Obtain One. Disabled World. Retrieved May 17, 2024 from www.disabled-world.com/disability/id-card.php

Permalink: <a href="https://www.disabled-world.com/disability/id-card.php">Disability ID Cards: How and Where to Obtain One</a>: List of locations and contact information of places that provide Disability ID Cards, or similar forms of identification for people with disabilities.

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