Health and Disability Fact Books, Guides, and Publications
Author: Disabled World (DW)
Updated/Revised Date: 2025/01/05
Category Topic: Disability Publications (Publications Database)
Page Content: Synopsis - Introduction - Main - Subtopics
Synopsis: Fact sheets, guidebooks, and publications relating to disability and health topics including printable applications and forms.
• The publications featured are focused on supporting people with specific health conditions and disabilities, and also include magazines of interest to disabled people.
The Disabled World (DW) Books and Publications section features numerous informative resources, fact sheets, and guides relating to health and disability topics.
Main Document
Our listing of literature resources provide a wide range of professional and practical references for people who work with children, and adults who have disabilities, and for people who have disabilities themselves. These publications are focused on supporting people with specific health conditions and disabilities, including magazines targeted towards disabled people, their families, and caregivers of special interest to those with disabilities.

Publications include books, videos, and DVDs on topics such as, ADHD, communication disorders, developmental disabilities, sensory impairments, acquired brain injury, autism, cerebral palsy, fetal alcohol syndrome, physical disabilities, psychiatric disabilities, and other topics including; special needs books, disability magazines, cognitive disabilities and associated conditions, as well as general health and disability publications from around the World.
Also included in this category are various applications and forms from Government departments.