Book : Walk in My Shoes : DeafBlind Writers Tell All
Author: Ramona Rice
Published: 2017/01/03 - Updated: 2020/03/21
Topic: Disability Publications - Publications List
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Synopsis: The book Walk in My Shoes contains 27 stories by individuals experiencing or witnessing the challenges of losing both hearing and sight senses.
• The writers of Walk in My Shoes offer a glimpse into living with Usher syndrome, a progressive disease leading to blindness and deafness.
• All proceeds from book sales will be donated to the Usher Syndrome Coalition to help fund scholarships and support research for a cure.
Deafblind writers' new book inspires hope & strength, A group of 28 writers touched by Usher syndrome tell their stories to end the isolation and to support research for a cure.
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After two years of collaborative effort to create a book, Walk in My Shoes is finally complete! This book is a unique collection of 27 powerful stories by 28 individuals who are experiencing or witnessing the challenges of losing not one, but two senses: hearing and sight.
The writers of Walk in My Shoes offer a glimpse into living with Usher syndrome, a progressive disease leading to blindness and deafness. Walk in My Shoes speaks to the more than 400,000 people worldwide dealing with Usher syndrome, to their families, to the professionals working with them, and to the rest of the world.
The writers of Walk in My Shoes come from all walks of life from the United States, Canada, and Mexico. They want to be seen and heard, even while their vision and hearing fail them. Their desire is to connect other people with Usher syndrome at annual Usher Syndrome Coalition conferences by promoting awareness in their communities and sharing this inspirational book.

All proceeds from book sales will be donated to the Usher Syndrome Coalition to help fund scholarships and support research for a cure. These writers inspire hope for anyone dealing with difficult life challenges. Even though they may not see or hear, they have so much to teach us about the human spirit, overcoming harsh obstacles and seeking equality in a society that does not understand them. Read their stories to see how they do it, to feel inspired, and to learn more about how you can help.
Ramona Rice, book creator and project manager, who has Usher syndrome type 2, conceived the idea to raise awareness about deaf blindness from powerful, hopeful, humorous and compelling stories in Walk in My Shoes and to support researchers to find a cure. She feels strongly that Walk in My Shoes will inspire many people around the world to unite and to make a difference for those suffering from deaf blindness.
"Walk in My Shoes is a book unlike any other. It is a unique collection of 27 powerful stories by individuals who have witnessed or experienced the tragedy of losing not one, but two senses: hearing and sight. The loss is caused by a rare disease called Usher syndrome. These stories will give you a glimpse into the world of the deafblind and their families and friends."
Walk in My Shoes : Edited by Charlotte J. DeWitt, Published by Merrimack Media - Paperback in the U.S., ISBN: 978-1-945756-11-5
This quality-reviewed publication was selected for publishing by the editors of Disabled World (DW) due to its significant relevance to the disability community. Originally authored by Ramona Rice, and published on 2017/01/03 (Edit Update: 2020/03/21), the content may have been edited for style, clarity, or brevity. For further details or clarifications, Ramona Rice can be contacted at NOTE: Disabled World does not provide any warranties or endorsements related to this article.