Language-based Learning Disability

Author: Thomas C. Weiss
Published: 2011/01/11 - Updated: 2021/05/10
Contents: Summary - Main - Related Publications

Synopsis: Information regarding language-based learning disabilities that involve age-appropriate spelling writing and or reading issues. The term, 'language-based learning disability,' or simply, 'learning disability,' is a better term of reference due to the relationship between written and spoken language. Treatment for language-based learning disability includes goals for children with reading difficulties that target specific aspects of both reading and writing that the child is missing.

Main Digest

Language-based learning disabilities involve age-appropriate spelling, writing, and/or reading issues. The disability does not involve the intelligence of the person involved. The majority of people who are diagnosed with learning disabilities have average to above-average levels of intelligence.

Signs and Symptoms of Language-based Learning Disability

Dyslexia is a form of disability that refers to a particular learning difficulty with reading.

The term, 'language-based learning disability,' or simply, 'learning disability,' is a better term of reference due to the relationship between written and spoken language. Many children who experience reading difficulties also experience trouble with spoken language.

Children who experience dyslexia may have difficulties nearly entirely with printed or written words. Children with dyslexia as a part of a larger range of learning disability may have difficulties with both written and spoken words. The difficulties might involve a number of additional things, such as:

Diagnosing Language-based Learning Disability

A speech-language pathologist, or 'SLP,' is a member of a team that consists of parents, educational professionals, caregivers, and a psychologist. The SLP evaluates the speaking, written, listening and reading abilities of children who have been identified by parents or educators as potentially experiencing learning difficulties. Children who are still in preschool may find an SLP pursuing any, or perhaps all, of the following things:

Where older children with language-based learning disability are concerned, an SLP might also determine whether or not the child can both read and understand information from textbooks and handouts. The SLP may assess the child's ability to hear and, 'play with,' sounds in an attempt to determine their phonological awareness skills. Determining how the child puts together syllables and sounds to make words, and how they break up a word into syllables and sounds, as well as how the child's phonological memory performs by having them repeat strings of numbers, letters, and words, are other things an SLP might do.

An SLP will present a complete language evaluation of every child they work with, looking at the child's articulation and executive functioning. Executive functioning involves the ability to not only plan, but organize and pay attention to details.

Treatments for Language-based Learning Disability

Treatment for language-based learning disability includes goals for children with reading difficulties that target specific aspects of both reading and writing that the child is missing. As an example; if the child has the ability to read words, yet finds they cannot understand the details of what they have read, their reading comprehension is approached. Should a younger child experience difficulties with differentiating between sounds that make up words, treatment would then focus on activities that build their growth in this particular area.

Individualized programs that are created for the child are always related to school work. Because of this, materials for treatment come from, or are directly related to, the content of the child's class work. The child is taught to apply new language strategies to their classroom assignments and activities. To best assist the child, an SLP might work alongside the child in their classroom.

Treatment related to spoken language involves both listening and speaking and may also be designed to support of the child's written language. As an example; after listening to a tale, the child might be asked to both state and write answers to questions related to it. The child might be asked to give both a verbal and written summary of the tale.

The child's articulation, or pronunciation needs, are treated in a manner that supports their written language. As an example; should the child be practicing saying words to improve their pronunciation of specific sounds, they might be asked to read words from a printed list related to those sounds.

An SLP both consults with and collaborates with educators to develop the use of techniques and strategies in a child's classroom. The SLP might, for example, assist a teacher with the modification of new materials to be presented in lessons that accommodate a child's comprehension needs. The SLP might also demonstrate planning strategies a child uses in order to both organize and focus on written assignments.

Language Based Learning in Children : Unlocking Clues

Author Credentials:

Thomas C. Weiss is a researcher and editor for Disabled World. Thomas attended college and university courses earning a Masters, Bachelors and two Associate degrees, as well as pursing Disability Studies. As a Nursing Assistant Thomas has assisted people from a variety of racial, religious, gender, class, and age groups by providing care for people with all forms of disabilities from Multiple Sclerosis to Parkinson's; para and quadriplegia to Spina Bifida. Explore Thomas' complete biography for comprehensive insights into his background, expertise, and accomplishments.

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Cite This Page (APA): Weiss, T. C. (2011, January 11). Language-based Learning Disability. Disabled World. Retrieved April 26, 2024 from

Permalink: <a href="">Language-based Learning Disability</a>: Information regarding language-based learning disabilities that involve age-appropriate spelling writing and or reading issues.

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