What's New for Americans with Disabilities in 2024?
Author: Pavel Kuljuk
Published: 2024/01/27 - Updated: 2024/03/26
Publication Type: Informative
Topic: Disability Political Editorials - Publications List
Page Content: Synopsis - Introduction - Main
Synopsis: The U.S. Social Security disability services system is in need of many sweeping systemic changes.
• Bill S. 3400, also known as the We Can't Wait Act of 2023, could potentially bring welcome relief to many people, but much more change is needed.
• What do people with disabilities think about the possible adoption of the law? We asked representatives of the disabled community.
Disability services can become fairer and more efficient. The five-month waiting period to receive SSD benefits may be waived. But American disabled people will not become richer. As before, only an anti-inflationary increase in benefits was made.
Main Item
Pleasant Surprise of Legislation
The main and only legal event at the federal level is the possible adoption of bill S. 3400.(1) This law, also known as the "We Can't Wait Act of 2023" was initiated by Senators Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) and Susan Collins (R-ME).
Currently SSD benefits have a five-month waiting period. That is, benefits begin to be paid in the sixth month after the onset of disability. This is very unfair and is a hardship for people with disabilities. Bill S. 3400 makes it possible to receive benefits without delay.
According to the legal wording "A bill to amend title II of the Social Security Act to permit disabled individuals to elect to receive disability insurance benefits during the disability insurance benefit waiting period, and for other purposes. amend title II of the Social Security Act to permit disabled individuals to elect to receive disability insurance benefits during the disability insurance benefit waiting period"
The bill is currently under consideration by the Senate Finance Committee. So far, both parties support the law. Consensus of opinion is very important for the protection of persons with disabilities.(2) If this continues, there is a high probability that the law will be adopted.
What do people with disabilities think about the possible adoption of the law? We asked representatives of the disabled community a question:
Your Opinion About Bill S. 3400 Also Known as the "We Can't Wait Act of 2023"?
"The Social Security system needs many sweeping systemic changes. This bill could potentially bring welcome relief to many people, but much more change is needed. A concern we have is what would happen if someone receives benefits during the waiting period but is then determined ineligible. Would they be required to pay back that money to the government? This could put many people in an impossible position. It is not clear to us from our initial reading of the bill whether that would happen, so we are reaching out to the offices to find out more",- said Director of Advocacy Autistic Self Advocacy Network (ASAN), Zoe Gross.
"The Center for Independence of the Disabled, New York (CIDNY) advocates for human rights for people with disabilities which too includes removing systemic barriers. A person can become disabled at any point of her or his life. The disabled community believes that people living in the United States are temporarily abled-bodied. Thus, we know that more and more people will join this demographic. If the person is unable to work, she or he will need to receive disability-related benefits to continue to operate their day-to-day existence especially during these arduous times attributed to inflation. Legislation S. 3400, also called the We Cannot Wait Act of 2023, ensures that the disabled person can receive the life-sustaining funding needed to survive until the bureaucratic system catches up with addressing the numerous claims. We know that all businesses are short staffed and government entities are too feeling the squeeze to operate with a limited workforce. This legislation could prevent starvation, homelessness, depression, and so much more bio-psychological factors that could affect a person who is newly disabled.",- said Center for Independence of the Disabled, New York's (CIDNY) executive director, Sharon McLennon Wier, Ph.D., MSEd., CRC, LMHC.
As we see, representatives of the disabled community give a positive assessment of the law. Let's hope that the law will be adopted and effectively implemented.
Unpleasant Continuity of Benefits
Not only are fair laws are needed for a normal life. Money also makes life easier. But there are no surprises in the financial sector. Everything will be the same. The government will protect social benefits from inflation. But officials will not make disabled people richer. Benefits will not increase more than inflation.
In 2024, both Social Security and Supplemental Security Income benefits will increase by 3.2%. The same increase was in 2023. But in 2022 benefits increased by 8.7%. There was very high inflation that year. The consumer price index for urban wage earners and clerical workers (CPI-W) determines the increase in these two benefits. Other payments depend on other indices. For example, The national average wage index (NAWI). But the meaning remains same.
Payments are protected from inflation, but no more. This is the amount of basic benefits for 2024.(3)
Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA):
- For persons with disabilities other than blindness - $1,550 per month;
- For persons who are blind - $2,590 per month.
- Trial Work Period (TWP) - $1,110 per month.
Federal Benefit Rate (FBR):
- For an eligible individual - $943 per month.
- For an eligible couple - $1,415 per month.
- Student Earned-Income Exclusion (SEIE) - $9,230 a year and not more $2,290 a month.
- Medicare Part A Hospital Insurance - $505 (45% reduced $278) per month.
- Medicare Part B Supplementary Medical Insurance - $174.70 per month.
As we see, the increase in benefits is small. For example, in 2023, SGA was $1,470 and $2,460 respectively. That is, the increase in payment was only $80 and $130. Is it possible to change the situation? We asked experts about this. All of them were asked one question:
Is it likely that benefits for disabled people will increase more than inflation? Here's What the Professionals Said:
"Unlikely and yet it's one of the most popular type of program and benefit", - President, Lake Research Partners Celinda Lake.
"Recent years witnessed substantial Social Security COLA boosts, especially during the pandemic. With trillions in stimulus and potential changes like the child tax credit, further increases may await post-2024 elections and a new Congress", - President Kaplan Strategies, Doug Kaplan.
"Maybe in the future. The answer would depend on the different aspects of the government I.e., priorities, budget constraints, and public opinion",- Policy and Law Strategist, Newby Sabrina.
Expert opinions vary. The situation may or may not improve. But this corresponds to the real situation of the disabled community. Now the situation is in a state of stability. There has not been a significant deterioration or improvement in the situation of disabled people for a long time. In order for the situation to improve, it is necessary to change federal legislation.(4) However, this requires the combined efforts of both political parties (2) or lobbying disabled people of their interests on a previously unseen scale.(5) All this can happen after the elections of the President and Congress.
1) https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/senate-bill/3400/text
2) https://www.disabled-world.com/editorials/political/politicians-disabled.php
3) https://www.ssa.gov/redbook/newfor2024.htm
4) https://www.disabled-world.com/news/politics.php
5) https://www.disabled-world.com/editorials/political/legislative-happiness.php
Equality Amendments Could Increase the Political Influence of the Disabled: Passage of the constitutional amendment can make it possible to eliminate the disproportionate representation of persons with disabilities in elected office.
Other Publications by Pavel Kuljuk:
- How Are People With Disabilities Doing in the New York City Housing Market?
- An Unusual Anti-Disability Drug Is Being Used in the US
- Politicians Too Busy With Politics to Care About People With Disabilities
- Disabled People Are the Achilles Heel of US Political Elites
- Equality Amendments Could Increase the Political Influence of the Disabled
- What Is the Price of Legislative Happiness for People With Disabilities in The USA?
Author Credentials: Pavel Kuljuk's articles and poems are published in Australia, North America, and Europe. In recent years, he has been constantly collaborating with Australian Rural & Regional News (Australia), Red Hook Daily Catch and OpEd News (USA), and Disabled World (Canada). Kuliuk's individual publications are in Forbes (Kazakhstan), Rural 21 (Germany), London Loves Business (UK), Karrep (India), RealClearDefense (RCD), Change Links, Daily Caller (USA), and many others. Explore Pavels' complete biography for comprehensive insights into his background, expertise, and accomplishments.