Reasons Why America Should Not Pursue the Health Care Reform Bill
Author: Thomas C. Weiss
Published: 2009/08/10 - Updated: 2024/12/27
Publication Type: Opinion Piece, Editorial
Topic: Disability Political Editorials - Publications List
Page Content: Synopsis - Introduction - Main
Synopsis: An editorial presenting reasons why America should not pass the Health Care Reform Bill.
• People with disabilities, many of whom are on programs such as SSI or SSDI, would find themselves even more dependent upon the government through health care reform.
• Stigma has always been a major issue for people with disabilities. We do not need to find ourselves facing employers who have access to records through the government health care program that can be used to further stigmatize us in relation to employment when we already face an unemployment rate that is above sixty-percent in America.
An editorial presenting reasons why America should not pass the Health Care Reform Bill.
"I'm just a bill.
Yes, I'm only a bill.
And I'm sitting here on Capitol Hill.
Well, it's a long, long journey
To the capital city.
It's a long, long wait
While I'm sitting in committee,
But I know I'll be a law someday
At least I hope and pray that I will,
But today I am still just a bill."
Main Item
The Health Care Reform Bill being presented to America by the Democrat Party and President Obama, on a nearly daily basis, has been shown to Americans as something that is needed in order to protect the economy - much as the stimulus package has been. Unlike the stimulus package, health care reform has a far greater and longer effect on this nation; it is a permanent change to the entire health care system. Health care reform is being heralded by some as wonderful, while others are extremely wary of this form of change. I have been asked to write an article presenting some of the potential hazards related to health care reform from a disability perspective. I can think of several reasons not to pursue health care reform.
Increased Dependence on the Government
People with disabilities, many of whom are on programs such as SSI or SSDI, would find themselves even more dependent upon the government through health care reform. One of the hallmarks of disability culture is independent living, something that cries against dependence. Through the severe restrictions place on us by the Social Security Administration - government programs, we find ourselves living well below the poverty line. Our incomes are limited, and the amount we can earn are strictly controlled. Should the government gain control over our health care, we would become dependent upon this same government in yet another, and even more crucial way.
Those of us who are not on a Social Security program would find ourselves tracked and monitored through government health care. Stigma has always been a major issue for people with disabilities. We do not need to find ourselves facing employers who have access to records through the government health care program that can be used to further stigmatize us in relation to employment when we already face an unemployment rate that is above sixty-percent in America. We also do not need to become dependent upon the government for our very own health care records.
Rationing of Health Care
For people who are struggling to receive health care right now, the health care reform bill might seem heaven-sent. At this time, anyone can enter a hospital in any city and receive health care whether they have insurance or not. If the government controls health care, there will be a decision making process involved in relation to health care. Questions will arise in regards to who is worthy of what kind of treatment. Given the United States Government's consideration and treatment of people with disabilities where programs such as SSI and SSDI, Medicare and Medicaid are concerned - I do not trust the government with my health care. I simply do not trust Uncle Sam to give me the benefit of the doubt and provide care for me. I do not trust the United States Government to look at me, as a person with disabilities, and view me as being, 'worthy,' of receiving all of the health care I require. The same government that wants to take charge of my health care cannot even manage to view people with disabilities as being, 'worthy,' of equal employment opportunities, or living out of poverty.
Government Management Competency
While I am talking about government programs such as SSI, SSDI, Medicare and Medicaid - let me throw in the Veteran's Administration as well. All of these programs are one's that the United States Government is struggling with; they cannot run them adequately. There are funding and management issues with every single one of the large, government programs. Every single one of these programs interacts with people with disabilities. The government cannot competently run and manage these programs; how or why should I ever trust the government to run a national health care program? I do not trust the United States Government with health care reform.
Long-Term Care
The state of long-term care in this nation is something that is a matter of great debate. Where are the options for people with disabilities to remain at home, or in the community, and receive health care? If health care reform is passed, it will almost certainly be the view of the government that it is cheaper and more effective to keep people with disabilities who require long-term care in facilities. Instead of investing in community-based long-term care services, I can assure you that the government will choose to follow the, 'status-quo,' of the facility model.
The Costs of Health Care Reform
One of President Obama's harping points in relation to health care reform has been how dire this kind of reform is in relation to the economy. Seemingly everything with the Obama administration is somehow tied to the economy, as well as utterly emergent. This statement is from the Veterans Administration website: "VA's fiscal year 2009 spending is projected to be approximately $93.4 billion, including $40 billion for health care...This is more than a 7 percent increase from the department's $87.6 billion budget for fiscal year 2009."
The costs related to the VA are for the VA alone. The Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security programs are other matters entirely. Should the federal government take charge of health care in America, the costs will be absolutely staggering. While President Obama and the Democrats present their Health Care Reform Bill as something that will save the economy and money, the fact is that just like the costs related to the VA health care system; the costs related to government health care will continue to rise.
Who will pay for all of these government health care costs? You will, of course. You will pay, whether you are on SSI, SSDI, or not. Taxpayers across America will pay. The difference between the health care system that is in place now and President Obama's health care reform is that right now you have a choice. Should this health care reform bill pass - you will no longer have that choice; You Will Pay for health care; everyone's, whether you like it or not. The government will not only be in charge of your health care, they will be in charge of the taxation to support it, as well as any, 'co-pays,' that are associated with it.
Author Credentials:
Thomas C. Weiss is a researcher and editor for Disabled World. Thomas attended college and university courses earning a Masters, Bachelors and two Associate degrees, as well as pursing Disability Studies. As a Nursing Assistant Thomas has assisted people from a variety of racial, religious, gender, class, and age groups by providing care for people with all forms of disabilities from Multiple Sclerosis to Parkinson's; para and quadriplegia to Spina Bifida. Explore Thomas' complete biography for comprehensive insights into his background, expertise, and accomplishments.