Creative Scrapbooking Style Ideas
Ian C. Langtree - Writer/Editor for Disabled World (DW)
Published: 2008/12/17 - Updated: 2024/02/01
Publication Type: Informative
Topic: Hobbies for Disabled - Publications List
Page Content: Synopsis - Introduction - Main
Synopsis: There are many different definitions and styles of a scrapbook including what the scrapbook is supposed to be about.
• The main thing to remember when thinking about your scrapbook is that there will always be one thing central to a scrapbook- keeping memories.
Just like photos, scrapbooks are keepers of precious moments that you would always want to return back to. The moments that you have captured in photos and the moments of your creativity are deeply embedded in every page, note, captions and journals in your scrapbook. One day, you'll take a look at the scrapbooks you have created and they will deliver you back in time.
Main Item
The Hardest Part of Scrapbooking Is Starting From Scratch
Everyone has their own scrapbooking style and you will want to find yours. This can be challenging when just getting started but there are many ways to do this, and with time and practice you will refine your personal style.
Let your personality shine through your scrapbook. If you are not sure what your preference is when planning the design or the layout of your scrapbook, it is best that you analyze yourself first. Know your personal tastes and refrain from following the hypes and fads as presented in the scrapbooking industry. This way, you will be more likely to produced original and personal ideas that will work best in your own ways. Of course starting with someone else's ideas or layouts, or even pre-printed pages is a good way to discover your style when starting out.
Many Find Great Uses in Other People's Designs
For beginners, it is often easier to follow someone else's ideas than to try to create your own. Along the way you will find your own methods and style. You can start by looking at scrapbooking books, magazines, websites and blogs to find ideas. Most of these will include dimensions used for a layout and what papers, embellishments and other items were included.
Remember that any layout can be adapted to your colors and style. Do not feel like you have to follow the layout exactly; just use it as a guide to get you started. Once a good inspiration breaks out, you may find yourself immersed in the confidence of doing things your own way.
Another Idea for Getting Started is to Create Your Own Mood Board
Mood boards are commonly used in the fashion industry as testing grounds for new ideas. These are boards wherein cutouts, drafts of designs and fabric swatches are portrayed to provide initial impressions of the new trend. In fact, anything that will help the viewers see the direction and concepts of the designers are placed on the mood board.
By making use of mood boards, you can easily find your style.
Placing concepts into more tangible mediums will construct foundations for your layouts and intentions. Cut out pictures in magazines that you like, print pictures off the internet, you can also include paper scraps, fabric scraps and ribbon in your mood board.
Anything that you think may provide good inspiration for a layout can be included. Think, color, texture, and design when searching for things to include in this board. Look at layouts others have done and if there is a specific paper you like ask them if they have a small scrap piece of it so you can include it. Crops are a good place to gather ideas and samples.
Don't be too critical in this process.
While gathering ideas, you need not know why a picture or an image attracts you. If it produces positive reaction then go ahead and include it. This is one good test to determine your style. Just include everything that you like, later you will mix and match to plan color and texture combination's. You can even get inspiration for embellishments from these cutouts.
Check Color Combination's
Some of us have already set definite grounds on what our favorite color is, and what we will most likely not use. Using a single group of shades is good if you can manipulate and mix them into varying combination's.
Many people find it hard to detract themselves from a single concept. Make sure you experiment with different color and texture combination's. You may be surprised with colors that complement each other well. Also keep in mind the colors of a photo when planning the colors for a layout.
When inspiration turns bad and there seem to be no color available for you, look at butterflies for inspiration.