Teen BMI Associated with Early Diabetes and Heart Disease
Author: Brigham and Women's Hospital
Published: 2011/04/06 - Updated: 2022/04/26
Topic: Childhood Obesity - Publications List
Page Content: Synopsis Introduction Main
Synopsis: Obesity problem in children and teens is likely just the tip of an increased risk for type 2 diabetes and heart disease in adulthood.
• When controlling for multiple risk factors for both diseases, including age, fasting blood sugar, blood lipids, blood pressure, smoking and family history, the researchers found that at age 17, BMI, even in the currently considered normal range, could predict the occurrence of both diseases.
• This study is significant because it demonstrates that the association exists within the currently considered normal values for BMI, having a distinct effect on two diseases occurring in early adulthood and in an age group that is frequently neglected.
body mass index (BMI) at adolescence, well within the normal range, can predict risk of early type 2 diabetes and heart disease in young adults in a differential manner.
Main Item
A new 17-year follow-up study of 37,000 Israeli teenagers found that diabetes risk is mainly associated with increased body mass index (BMI) close to the time of diagnosis at early adulthood, while coronary heart disease risk is associated with elevated BMI both at adolescence and adulthood. The findings are published in the April 7 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine.
Lead study author, Amir Tirosh, MD PhD, of the Endocrine Division at Brigham and Women's Hospital said:
"The study suggests that the obesity problem in children and teens is likely just the tip of an iceberg for increased risk for type 2 diabetes and heart disease in adulthood."
The research team, also including Ben-Gurion University's Professors Iris Shai and Assaf Rudich, in Beer-Sheva, Israel, along with researchers from the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) Medical Corps and Tel Hashomer, has followed 37,000 Israeli army career personnel, starting at age 17 years.
Their BMI was recorded at baseline and again every several years. During a mean follow-up period of 17 years, the average BMI of the participants rose at 0.2-0.3 units per year, mounting to an average weight gain of approximately 30 lbs between ages 17 and 30. During the study period, 1,173 new cases of diabetes and 327 new cases of heart disease were diagnosed.
When controlling for multiple risk factors for both diseases, including age, fasting blood sugar, blood lipids, blood pressure, smoking and family history, the researchers found that at age 17, BMI, even in the currently considered normal range, could predict the occurrence of both diseases. Every rise in 1 unit of BMI was associated with an approximately 10 percent increased risk for type 2 diabetes in early adulthood, and a 12 percent increase in the risk for heart disease.
"Previous studies did not unequivocally confirm the association between pre-adulthood BMI and diseases in early adulthood. This study is significant because it demonstrates that the association exists within the currently considered normal values for BMI, having a distinct effect on two diseases occurring in early adulthood and in an age group that is frequently neglected," said Professor Assaf Rudich.
Remarkably, elevated risk at age 17 was significant at a BMI of 23.4 Kg/m2 or higher for diabetes and 20.9 Kg/m2 or higher for heart disease (These values correspond to a weight of 163 lbs or 146 lbs in a 5'10" male teenager, respectively). For diabetes, BMI at age 17 predicted the risk, mainly since it is associated with BMI later in life. However, for heart disease, both BMI at adolescence and BMI at adulthood independently predicted the risk of the disease.
"It would seem that heart disease has a longer "memory" for BMI than diabetes, and history of a person's BMI should be part of risk assessment," said Professor Iris Shai. "We do have options, not necessarily pharmacological, to offer patients to decrease their risk for heart disease. Recent intervention trials showed that nutritional habit's modification can not only halt the progression of atherosclerosis, the underlying process of heart disease, but could also reverse it."
Dr. Amir Tirosh adds:
"For prevention of early occurrence of heart disease in adulthood, it would seem that very early intervention to promote healthy life-style habits is warranted, even during childhood."
Study authors include: Amir Tirosh, Iris Shai, Arnon Afek, Gal Dubnov Raz, Nir Ayalon, Barak Gordon, Estela Derazne, Dorit Tzur, Ari Shamis, Shlomo Vinker, Assaf Rudich.
This quality-reviewed publication was selected for publishing by the editors of Disabled World (DW) due to its significant relevance to the disability community. Originally authored by Brigham and Women's Hospital, and published on 2011/04/06 (Edit Update: 2022/04/26), the content may have been edited for style, clarity, or brevity. For further details or clarifications, Brigham and Women's Hospital can be contacted at brighamandwomens.org. NOTE: Disabled World does not provide any warranties or endorsements related to this article.