Vegetarian and Vegan: Recipes, News and Information
Author: Disabled World (DW)
Updated/Revised Date: 2023/10/12
Category Topic: Vegetarian and Vegan (Publications Database)
Page Content: Synopsis - Introduction - Main - Subtopics
Synopsis: Information regarding vegetarian and vegan diet lifestyle including the difference between the two, how to get enough protein, and tips for becoming a vegetarian with example recipes.
• The choice is up to you when you are considering becoming a vegetarian, but before you throw away that cottage cheese, realize that you will need to do other things that will meet the nutritional needs that your body will be denied without that serving of cottage cheese.
• Those who don't support the vegetarian lifestyle do so mainly because they feel like the body will be deprived of important vitamins and minerals it needs to be healthy. However, those who have successfully switched to a vegetarian lifestyle know that there are plenty of substitutions that can be made to help make up for the gap that is left by a meatless diet.
There are all types of vegetarians, those who give up all dairy products including eggs and cheese, and those who simply eat fruits and vegetable and nothing else.
Main Document
The choice is up to you when you are considering becoming a vegetarian, but before you throw away that cottage cheese, realize that you will need to do other things that will meet the nutritional needs that your body will be denied without that serving of cottage cheese.

Defining Types of Vegan and Vegetarian Diets
- Vegetarianism: The practice of living on products of the plant kingdom, with or without the use of eggs and dairy products, but excluding entirely the consumption of any part of the body of an animal as food (including chicken, fish, and seafood).
- Vegans: Vegetarians who refuse to consume foods apart from fruits, grains, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. Vegans are particularly noteworthy because they do not intend to consume eggs and dairy products. Thus, vegans' vitamins and nutrients needs consist of calcium, protein, iron, and Vitamin B12. A raw vegan diet consists of unprocessed vegan foods that have not been heated above 115 degrees Fahrenheit (46.11 degree Celsius).
- Lacto-vegetarian: Said to describe a vegetarian who does not eat eggs, but does eat dairy products. People who do not eat beef, pork, poultry, fish, shellfish or animal flesh of any kind, but do eat eggs and dairy products are lacto-ovo vegetarians ("lacto" comes from the Latin for milk, and "ovo" for egg).
- Ovo-vegetarian: Refers to people who do not eat meat or dairy products, but do eat eggs.
- Lacto-ovo-vegetarians: Are like lacto-vegetarians. But these groups of vegetarians do not limit their dairy foods intake to low-fat. They consume even the fresh and high-fat dairy products. Vitamin needs of these vegetarians are like those of the lacto-vegetarians.
- Semi-vegetarian: People who eat chicken and fish but not other types of meat like beef, lamb, and pork. Thus, these vegetarians' vitamins needs are far lower compared to their other counterparts, since they can assimilate more vitamins from wider food sources.
- Flexitarian/Semi-vegetarian: "Flexitarian" is a term recently coined to describe those who eat a mostly vegetarian diet, but occasionally eat meat.
- Vegaquarians: A vegaquarian is someone who eats only vegetables, grains, dairy products and fish as part of a lifestyle decision.
- Macrobiotic: The macrobiotic diet, revered by some for its healthy and healing qualities, includes unprocessed vegan foods, such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and allows the occasional consumption of fish.
- Pescatarians: Occasionally used to describe those who abstain from eating all meat and animal flesh, except for fish. Although the word is not commonly used, more and more people are adopting this kind of diet, usually for health reasons or as a stepping stone to a fully vegetarian diet.

Becoming a Vegetarian or Vegan
You may want to start off slow and work your way towards totally becoming a vegetarian.
Your body, believe it or not, will go through some changes when it is being denied something that they are used to having. Instead of completely cutting out meat abruptly, think about eating fish or chicken instead and then gradually phasing that out if that's where you want to be eventually.
Another essential part to becoming a vegetarian is to know what nutrients are contained in the foods that you will be eating.
Those who don't support the vegetarian lifestyle do so mainly because they feel like the body will be deprived of important vitamins and minerals it needs to be healthy. However, those who have successfully switched to a vegetarian lifestyle know that there are plenty of substitutions that can be made to help make up for the gap that is left by a meatless diet.
Do your research and know that broccoli as well as many dark greens like kale and spinach contain tons of calcium, and eating them will give you more than enough to be healthy. You need to know as well that nuts and grains provide a great source of protein, so if you can get enough of them into your diet, you will also be meeting those nutritional needs.
Becoming a vegetarian can be one of the best things you can do for your body as well as for your life. Those who have already done so have found that they feel better, they have more energy, and they even can lose weight without feeling hungry all the time. Take the time to research becoming a vegetarian, and then take your time towards this satisfying lifestyle.
It can be very difficult to switch to a meatless way of eating, so you should know what you're getting into before you get into it. Examine the pros as well as the cons, but know that becoming a vegetarian involves more than just not eating meat.
What Do Vegetarians Get Protein From?
Being vegetarian does not mean your diet will be lacking in protein. Most plant foods contain protein, and in fact it would be very difficult to design a vegetarian diet that is short on protein. The need of protein for the human body is about a nickel's weight worth, the excess is basically excreted in urine. Based on research, the need for amino acids is highly exaggerated, as only 16% of our body is Protein.
Moreover, the irony of the whole protein debate is that being overly concerned about sufficient sources of protein for vegetarians may not even be that necessary, as it's been proven that excess dietary protein may lead to health problems.
Of course, we all need a certain amount of protein every day to remain healthy. However, based on misinformation to this effect, several people view the daily consumption of a high-protein diet as beneficial and this in itself may actually be wrong.
According to the French Hygienist, Albert Mosseri, diseases and conditions which can be caused or aggravated by too much protein intake include: Leukemia, Skin Diseases and even Cancer.
Based on the John Robbins work titled: Diet for a New America, the number of people in the US suffering from diseases caused by protein excess is a mind-boggling 40,000,000 compared to a measly 3 people suffering from the deficiency of this substance.
For some sufficient sources of protein for vegetarians, here are some recommended items.
- Green Leaves: Believe or not, these have sufficient amounts of protein and of extremely high quality, containing all the essential amino acids. They are highly absorbent and will not ferment in the intestines nor poison the body.
- Fruits: Some fruits containing higher quantities of a protein supply for a vegetarian are -Avocados, Dates, Bananas, Olives
- Nuts
- Whole Grains
- Some root vegetables (such as Sweet Potatoes at 2% by dry weight.)
- Legumes (though not necessarily advocated...are a good protein supply for a vegetarian).
What About Calcium?
Although milk is a source of calcium, you certainly don't need milk to get plenty of calcium. The milk of any animal is basically too rich for humans. It is highly acidic and mucus forming.
Now, to answer the question-can vegans get enough sustenance for calcium needs? Here are some calcium-rich foods to try: spinach, collard greens, kale, fortified orange juice, sesame seeds, broccoli, almonds, carrots.
What About Iron?
Briefly Folks, according to nutritionist, Albert Mosseri; sufficient proof that anemia is not caused by lack of iron in a vegetarian diet is that the disease actually regresses during fasting!
What About B12?
Sure, the truth is If you used to eat meat, you may already have enough B12 stored in your body to be recycled and re-used for up to twenty or thirty years.
Moreover, those who insist that you may at risk of a vitamin b12 deficiency as a vegetarian are as likely to be deficient as you are. That's because B12 deficiency tends to be caused more often by poor absorption than by inadequate intake
Vegetarians Vitamin Needs
There are four major groups of vegetarians, relating to the kind of food they eat and the vitamins they generate from these food sources.
The principal aim of vegetarians is to drastically cut, if not eliminate, the absorption of fats from food to prevent cholesterol build up that leads to obesity, hypertension, heart ailments, strokes, and a host of other diseases.
But by doing so, they compromise their bodies' assimilation of other vitamins and nutrients needed for better functioning. Thus, experts note that most vegetarians experience mild to severe deficiencies to some nutrients, minerals, and vitamins.
Most vegetarians require more vitamin B12. This is because this vitamin is particularly found only in animal meat. However, to meet the vegetarian's needs for this vitamin, they can resort to eating breakfast cereals, brewers' yeast and soy beverages.
Because vegetarians' vitamin supplies are somehow made limited, they are also subjected to vitamin D deficiency. The need for this vitamin can be satisfied by exposure to direct sunlight because vitamin D is synthesized by the body's skin.
Zinc is a mineral that most vegetarians need more. That is because this is much needed for improved growth among teenagers.
Protein is one nutrient that can only be found mostly in dairy products. But the strict vegetarians' needs for protein can be met by consuming soy products, which are the only plant-sourced food to contain as much protein as dairies.
Plan Your Diet
Experts and dietitians advise that before you subject yourself to any vegetarianism diet practices, you must first research about them. Get to know the potential vitamin needs that might miss by avoiding several foods.
If you are a vegetarian and your vitamin needs are still not met, consult your doctor to ask about vitamin supplements suited for you.
Remember, vegetarianism is good, but you need to source out those vitamins you need from other sources if you want to maximize the dietary discipline's results.
U.S. Vegan and Vegetarian Statistics
Vegetarianism in America study (2008), published by Vegetarian Times, shows that 3.2 percent of U.S. adults, or 7.3 million people, follow a vegetarian-based diet. Approximately 0.5 percent, or 1 million, of those are vegans, who consume no animal products at all. In addition, 10 percent of U.S., adults, or 22.8 million people, say they largely follow a vegetarian-inclined diet.