Breakthroughs in Health, Disability, and Medicine Publications

Summary: The Breakthroughs in Health, Disability, and Medicine database at Disabled World (DW) encompasses a wide range of publications that delve into various aspects of health, disability, and medical advancements. This database includes articles on new medical research, such as the impact of Huanan Market on the origin of COVID-19, and investigations into antibiotic resistance levels in Ukrainian wounded soldiers. It also covers health conditions and treatments, like the benefits of exercise for diabetes management and the use of medical devices for enhancing mobility. Additionally, it features insights on public health and disability, including how to maintain fitness and nutrition for individuals with disabilities, emphasizing the integration of health equity in health sector actions. This comprehensive collection serves as an informative hub for both general health news and specific disability-related medical information.

Searching the Database: The data table below lists articles and research papers from our Health and Disability category. Some items may be updated or revised, but the table defaults to sorting by descending publication date; you can search and sort by clicking column headers (JavaScript required).

Health and Disability Publications
Title of
Updated / Revised
Henipaviruses: Understanding a Genus of Emerging Zoonotic ThreatsDisabled WorldInformative2025/02/072025/02/08
New Evidence from Huanan Market Strengthens COVID-19's Animal Origin TheoryUniversity of ArizonaYesData & Statistical Analysis2024/09/192024/09/20
Plumbing Seals and Gaskets Can Leak Additives Into Drinking WaterAmerican Chemical SocietyYesInformative2023/09/072023/11/02
Alarming Antibiotic Resistance Levels Found in Ukrainian WoundedLund UniversityYesObservational Study2023/06/292025/02/13
Waist-to-height Ratio Better Indicator Than BMI of Patients with Heart Failure OutcomeEuropean Society of CardiologyYesResearch / Study Analysis2023/03/222024/03/05
Hand Sanitizer vs. Soap: Which is Best for Effective Hand Washing?Disabled WorldInformative2020/03/212024/08/23
Ideas to Improve Women and Children's Health and Rights in the Developing WorldGrand Challenges Canada2018/06/022021/10/03
Potential Spread of Yellow Fever Virus to World Cities Mapped by ResearchersSt. Michael's Hospital2018/04/27
Health Literacy Benefits Equate to Improved Care for EveryoneUniversity of Missouri-Columbia2017/11/282020/03/15
Getting Ahead of the Next Pandemic: Is the World Ready?Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)2017/10/28
Nearly 20 Million Americans Live Near Oil, Gas and Fracking WellsPSE Healthy Energy2017/08/232020/03/21
Overcoming Last Line of Antibiotic Resistance Against Bacterial InfectionsFrontiersYesResearch, Study, Analysis2017/08/212025/02/12
Global Study Finds Massive Health Care InequityInstitute for Health Metrics and Evaluation2017/05/19
Mercury in Fish and Seafood Possibly Linked to Higher Risk of ALSAmerican Academy of NeurologyYesStudy2017/02/202023/09/19
Zika Virus Risk Map for Cities in the U.S. National Center for Atmospheric Research/University Corporation for Atmospheric Research2016/03/162020/06/29
Zika Virus Congenital SyndromeUniversity of California - Los Angeles Health Sciences2016/03/072021/06/19
El Nino May Be Spreading Diseases to New PlacesUniversity of BathStudy2016/03/042023/09/01
Yellow Fever Virus, Symptoms, Treatment, PreventionThomas C. Weiss2016/02/242021/06/22
Zika Virus: Increase in Neurological Disorders and Neonatal MalformationsWHO2016/02/022021/06/30
Gulf War Illness: A General OverviewThomas C. WeissInformative Article2016/01/202023/06/30
Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2): Respiratory and Health ProblemsThomas C. WeissInformative2016/01/202024/05/03
Dracunculiasis or Guinea Worm DiseaseThomas C. Weiss2016/01/182021/07/03
Zika Virus: Transmission, Prevention, Symptoms, TreatmentThomas C. Weiss2015/12/072021/08/24
Groundwater Pollution and Radiation Contamination in Cemeteries and Local CommunitiesDisabled WorldInformative2015/10/082024/06/23
Microbial Diseases: Transmission and General OverviewThomas C. Weiss2015/09/302018/04/01
Cystinuria: Symptoms, Causes, TreatmentsThomas C. Weiss2015/09/302021/07/27
Alcoholic Liver Disease: Types, Symptoms, TreatmentThomas C. Weiss2015/09/272021/07/27
Dysautonomia: General Overview and InformationThomas C. Weiss2015/09/042020/09/04
Hyper IgM Syndromes: Definitions and InformationThomas C. Weiss2015/08/202021/08/04
Renal Failure: Symptoms, Causes and TreatmentThomas C. WeissInformative2015/07/172024/09/23
Cryptosporidiosis: Facts, Treatment and PreventionThomas C. Weiss2015/06/282017/06/25
Seafood Poisoning: Ciguatera and ScombroidThomas C. Weiss2015/06/242020/09/17
Plague: Types, Transmission, Symptoms, PreventionThomas C. Weiss2015/06/242021/08/12
Vibrio Vulnificus: Risk Factors, Diagnosing and TreatmentThomas C Weiss2015/06/242019/05/08
Fracking: Health Risks of Hydraulic Fracturing Gas Well DrillingThomas C. Weiss2015/06/232021/08/13
Rickettsia Felis: General Facts and InformationThomas C. Weiss2015/06/222020/09/17
Water-borne Diseases: Types, Examples, InformationThomas C. WeissInformative2015/06/152025/02/11
Rat Bite Fever: General Overview and InformationThomas C. Weiss2015/06/102021/08/16
Anthrax Infection: Signs, Symptoms, TreatmentDisabled World2015/06/032021/08/14
Lassa Fever: Signs, Symptoms, Treatment, PreventionThomas C. Weiss2015/06/022021/08/16
Electronic Waste: Medical and Health IssuesThomas C. Weiss2015/05/212021/08/15
H58 Antibiotic Resistant Typhoid InformationThomas C. Weiss2015/05/192021/08/15
Organ Transplantation: Eligibility, Cost and InformationThomas C. Weiss2015/05/042020/12/24
Toxic Shock Syndrome: Symptoms, Treatment, OutlookThomas C. Weiss2015/04/232021/08/19
Carbon Monoxide (CO) Poisoning: Information, Symptoms, PreventionThomas C. WeissInformative2015/04/202024/05/03
Trigeminal Neuralgia: Symptoms, Diagnosis, TreatmentThomas C. Weiss2015/04/152021/08/19
Everyday Bacteria on Verge of Becoming Antibiotic Resistant SuperbugsWashington University School of MedicineYesMedical Research2015/03/282025/02/12
Chikungunya Virus Spreading to the U.S.University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston2015/03/272021/08/24
Creatine Phosphokinase (CPK) Test InformationThomas C. Weiss2015/03/172019/01/14
Ataxia: Types, Causes, Symptoms, TreatmentsThomas C. Weiss2015/03/052023/06/23
Health Equity and Disparities Include People with DisabilitiesOregon State UniversityYesAnnouncement2015/03/012024/06/17
Carbapenem-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE), Bacteria and InfectionThomas C. WeissInformative2015/02/232025/02/13
Measles: Signs, Symptoms, TreatmentThomas C. Weiss2015/02/052021/09/08
Screwworms and the Spread of DiseaseThomas C. Weiss2015/01/042021/09/23
Combating Infection Caused by Enterovirus D68Purdue University2015/01/022021/09/24
Bourbon Virus: Information, Treatment, PreventionThomas C. Weiss2014/12/282021/09/25
Uses of Antimicrobial Metals in the Health FieldThomas C. Weiss2014/12/192021/10/01
Weight Loss Surgery May Lessen Urinary ProblemsWiley2014/12/082020/11/11
How Weather Can Affect Your HealthThomas C. Weiss2014/11/242020/11/19
Adrenal Fatigue: Causes, Symptoms, and SusceptibilityThomas C. Weiss2014/11/222020/11/19
Gene Therapy for Patients with Severe Hemophilia BSt. Jude Children's Research Hospital2014/11/202020/11/22
Chagas Disease: Diagnosing, Treating, Prevention, ControlThomas C. Weiss2014/11/192021/10/14
Hemophilia: Causes, Issues and TreatmentThomas C. Weiss2014/11/142020/11/24
Hypothyroidism: Symptoms, Examination, Causes, TreatmentThomas C. Weiss2014/11/092021/10/20
Urinary Tract Infections: Signs, Symptoms, Causes and TreatmentThomas C. Weiss2014/10/262020/12/05
Hantavirus: Symptoms, Precautions and PreventionDisabled World2014/10/162020/12/10
Tularemia: Symptoms, Causes, Prevention, TreatmentThomas C. Weiss2014/09/122020/12/20
Clostridium Difficile: Infection Symptoms, Prevention, TreatmentThomas C. WeissInformative2014/09/122024/08/23
High Caffeine Energy Drinks Can Cause Cardiac ProblemsEuropean Society of Cardiology2014/08/31
Leishmaniasis Parasitic Disease: Symptoms, Prevention, TreatmentThomas C. Weiss2014/07/272021/08/30
Health Issues Most Stressful Event in American LivesHarvard School of Public Health2014/07/112021/06/21
King-Denborough Syndrome (KDS): Symptoms, Diagnosis, TreatmentThomas C. Weiss2014/07/092021/08/30
Schistosomiasis: Snail Fever a Common Type of Parasitic DiseaseThomas C. WeissInformative2014/06/302025/02/11
Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever: Symptoms, Transmission, TreatmentThomas C. Weiss2014/04/172021/08/30
Trimethylaminuria (TMAU): Fishy Smelling Body OdorDisabled World2014/03/252020/05/12
Enteroviruses: Polio and Non-PolioThomas C. Weiss2014/02/262021/08/30
Chikungunya Virus: Symptoms, Diagnosis, TreatmentThomas C. Weiss2014/01/172021/08/29
Dengue Fever: Signs, Symptoms and TreatmentThomas C. Weiss2013/11/012021/08/30
Dangers and Health Effects of Depleted UraniumThomas C. Weiss2013/09/042021/08/30
What Are Body Electrolytes and How do They WorkThomas C. WeissInformative2013/08/222024/05/25
Human Parvovirus B19 (Fifth Disease)Thomas C. Weiss2013/06/212021/11/06
How Your Body Knows When You Have to PeeFederation of American Societies for Experimental BiologyYesInformative2013/02/102024/01/03
Connection Between Well-being, Giving, Getting, GratitudeSociety for Personality and Social Psychology2013/01/202022/02/24
Behcet's Disease - Interesting Information Unfolds Along the Ancient Silk RoadNIH/National Human Genome Research Institute2013/01/072019/10/30
Toxoplasma Gondii Disease InformationThomas C. Weiss2012/12/142021/06/19
Essential Thrombocythemia: Causes, Complications, TreatmentsThomas C. Weiss2012/08/062021/08/12
Chronic Diseases Threaten Health and Economies in Poor and Middle-Income CountriesWorld Bank2011/10/03
Healthy Living During the Summer MonthsLife...supplemented2011/07/25
Q Fever: Symptoms, Prevention, Treatment, Risk FactorsThomas C. Weiss2011/05/232022/03/28
Test Could Give SLE Patients a Tolerable LifeLund University2011/05/09
Obese People Suffer Avoidable Disease and DisabilityRoyal College of Surgeons of England2011/04/152022/04/21
Increasing Height in Turner Syndrome PatientsUniversity Hospitals Case Medical Center2011/04/012022/04/28
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy: Treatment of DisabilitiesThomas C. Weiss2011/03/012022/05/21
Dwarfism Gene Linked to Protection from Cancer and DiabetesUniversity of Southern CaliforniaYesResearch Study Analysis2011/02/162024/01/08
Is Kissing Dangerous to Your Health?Academy of General Dentistry2011/01/182021/06/12
Progress and Challenges in Achieving Health EquityCDC2011/01/17
Effects of Lead ExposureDisabled WorldInformative2010/11/032024/12/06
Black Lung DiseaseMavis Butcher2010/10/18
Climate Change May Affect Plague Distribution and IncidenceThe American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene2010/09/072018/10/10
Rabies Symptoms, Information and TreatmentDisabled World2010/07/27
Higher Risk of Death with More Time Spent SittingAmerican Cancer Society2010/07/222016/11/05
Alzheimer's disease, Down syndrome and Atherosclerosis LinkedUniversity of South Florida Health2010/01/152010/07/11
Tuberculosis: Facts, Causes, PreventionDisabled World2009/07/202022/05/31
Listeriosis: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and PreventionThomas C. Weiss2009/04/272018/04/01
Patients Being Discharged Against Medical AdviceMayo Clinic2009/03/152012/07/11
Chronic Disease Management - The Expert PatientCarolyn Magura2009/03/122014/03/14
How to Take Charge of Your HealthDisabled World2009/01/182022/03/27

Note: Disabled World presents this compilation of publications relevant to disabilities as a valuable resource. However, inclusion in the database does not necessarily imply endorsement or agreement with the content by

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Disabled World (DW) is a comprehensive online resource providing information and news related to disabilities, assistive technologies, and accessibility. Founded in 2004 our website covers a wide range of topics, including disability rights, healthcare, education, employment, and independent living, with the goal of supporting the disability community and their families.

Cite This Page (APA): Disabled World (DW). (Rev. 2025, January 20). Breakthroughs in Health, Disability, and Medicine Publications. Disabled World (DW). Retrieved February 16, 2025 from

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