Factors Causing Multiple Disabilities Among Children
Author: Professor Qadhi Aurangzeb Al Hafi
Published: 2014/07/29 - Updated: 2021/01/02
Topic: Pediatric Health Concerns - Publications List
Page Content: Synopsis - Introduction - Main
Synopsis: Documented evidence-based statistics pharma-media never wants public to know prove link between fetal iatro-teratogenecity and multiple forms of disabilities among new born and unborn babies.
• The term 'iatro-teratogenesis' refers to the deadly spectacle-manifestations and pandemic outbreaks of 'irrational medications' that are administered during pregnancy or in lactation periods.
• This forthrightly stark 'crux' of the devastating 'perplex-crisis' has been documented by a groundbreaking research on disability-prevention perspectives-foci.
Evidence-based, well documented statistical records of nearly 685-765 million disabled people of the world, when correlated with data analysis, quite shockingly endorse enough-provable linkages and incontestable 'causal relationships' between fetal 'iatro-teratogenecity' and multiple forms of disabilities among newly born and unborn babies.
Main Item
The term 'iatro-teratogenesis' refers to the deadly spectacle-manifestations and pandemic outbreaks of 'irrational medications' that are administered during pregnancy or in lactation periods.
Notably, most of the prevalent drug-formulations are predominantly based on complex chemical-compositions, which, essentially, do pose serious threats to the physio-chemical synchrony of fetal tissues - thus, eventually leaving the baby with severe vulnerabilities of life-long disabilities - both, structural as well as functional.
Not only are these embryonically 'non-compatible' hefty drug-formulations hard to be absorbed by the fetal tissues, but also their chemical structures remain intransigently 'tough-enough' to be broken down and processed by the fetal cells in the same time-frame and interval-break-intermissions, as those of the mother's body cells.
During this course of ultimate 'dis-synchrony' in complex dynamic-interplay of chemicals, the fetal body cells are left with no margin-latitudes other than bearing heavy toxic burdens at the very initial stages of cell-formations and organogenesis - and, ultimately persisting on considerably devastating complexities of physical and mental abnormalities.

At the very core of the problem, underlying source-reason is 'irrational & obscured medication' - Irrational, because; how can it be rationalized to alleviate the common-cold symptoms, or to relieve the temporary nasal-aching or ordinary headaches of a mother at the 'very cost of life-long disabilities' of the baby
And obscured, understandably, due to the identical fact that most of the prevalent drug-compositions are, embryonically non-compatible, but nonetheless these are administered during pregnancy - because they do bear the fascinating enough 'safety-signs' like '100% secure for both, 'the mother and the baby' and 'no adverse-effects noted'...etc.
"The chemical mechanism of these drugs is not that simple as publicized by these 'allegedly false' and massively 'misleading safety-claims', that are made by the corporate controllers of medical world - the pharmaceutical profiteers, who promote 'these practices' through highly-crafted and 'well-tailored' campaigns involving 100% biased, pre-inclined research studies that are funded, predisposed and 'course-plotted' by the same parties, and then publicized by these 'profiteers-backed' media"... points out the research-study.
"Such drugs and chemical-compositions must be brought under strict international legislation, in order to safeguard the lives of massive proportions of 'unborn babies', that are prone to pre-disposal of detrimental devastations" pleads the research cessation.
This forthrightly stark 'crux' of the devastating 'perplex-crisis' has been documented by a groundbreaking research on disability-prevention perspectives-foci.
The research study, that is going to change the way the world looks at the 'phenomenon of disability', quite evocatively brings forth sensitive questions and key concerns to be addressed by the global hierarchies including the UN, and henceforth, calls for international legislation on the subject matter.
The benchmark pinnacle research document is primed for over 1900 universities of the globe, and is an outcome of nearly 1.5 decades of inquiry-probings on the subject-matter by the multidisciplinary arch-researcher Professor Qadhi Aurangzeb Al-Hafi. It was demonstrated through a multi-academic scientific research colloquia, at Higher Education Commission, Pakistan. The colloquia consisted of 9-thematic orientations, 17-confluences, 10-symposia and 19-scientific demonstrations.
Key concerns of Dr. Aurangzeb Hafi's research are circumscribed in the 'frame-of-reference' of 'disability-prevention' - 'before-the-occurrence', by addressing the diverse spectrum of underlying 'causal-factors'.
Dr. Hafi served as head of several projects concerning the disabled population during Tsunami-2004, and maintained liaisons with UN and concerned agencies thereof. Professor Hafi is also credited for identifying the 'teratogenic effect' of the toxic-remnants, posed over the modern sewage-system, resulting in underground water-reserves' hydro-toxification. By virtue of these benevolent and worthy contributions, Pakistan, incontrovertibly, now stands on the verge of becoming the world's 'research capital', in the disability-centered scholastic realm.
The cutting-edge research is a 'judiciously upright' and a 'humanely sane' call to the collective conscience of the world, to come forth to raise the voices for those who are unable to raise their voices for themselves - the babies, yet unborn - but perilously prone to severe lifelong disabilities - the voiceless - the left-behind population living with multiple forms of disabilities - the neglected part of the society.
This quality-reviewed publication was selected for publishing by the editors of Disabled World (DW) due to its significant relevance to the disability community. Originally authored by Professor Qadhi Aurangzeb Al Hafi, and published on 2014/07/29 (Edit Update: 2021/01/02), the content may have been edited for style, clarity, or brevity. For further details or clarifications, Professor Qadhi Aurangzeb Al Hafi can be contacted at Dr. F. M. Bhatti - Ph. 0092-3066630993. NOTE: Disabled World does not provide any warranties or endorsements related to this article.