Dr. Lynette Louise Biography
According to her website: In a world where lots of people have multi-hyphenated identities, a whole new language would have to be invented to describe Dr. Lynette Louise. She is an artist and an academic, a brainiac and a goofball, a healer and a heat-seeking missile. She is a rock and a free spirit, and most of all, she is the loving mother of an intense, colorful, demanding brood of eight adult children (five with special needs).
This is all true. It is also true, however, that you could simply and honestly say: Dr. Lynette Louise ("The Brain Broad") is a humanitarian brain change and behavior expert.
In all her endeavors, and admittedly there are many and they are diverse, Dr. Lynette Louise aims to share her understanding of how our brains and behaviors affect ourselves and each other and, with that knowledge, she hopes humans will be helped.
When Lynette was a little girl she pictured herself a mother with dozens of children she treated with fairness and love. She pictured herself a missionary type, traveling the globe offering that fairness and love to those lacking it in their lives.
As is often the case she became what she imagined only not how she imagined it.
Lynette had two children before turning twenty. By the time she was twenty-nine she had adopted four toddlers, all boys with varying degrees of autism. A few years later two troubled teenage girls were added to the mix, one with learning disabilities, completing the family with eight children in all. The story of how these children not only survived but flourished is a testament to them, of course. But also to Lynette's persistence, unconventional approaches, and steadfast love.
All of Lynette's children now function independently except for Dar, who continues to live with her. Lynette calls him a slow moving miracle. He is also her best friend.
"My understanding of what my children were going through was intuitive, probably because I had encountered significant problems of my own. We had common ground in trying to make sense of the world," says Lynette, reflecting on a troubled childhood of her own that included some sensory integration processing problems. "Ultimately, in helping to heal them, I healed myself."

As her children moved on and other special needs parents asked for her tips and tricks, Lynette honed the skill of teaching what she intuitively understood, her unique ability to see everyone as capable while respecting their uncommon challenges.
Today she uses all her skills as a preformer, academic, comedian, poet, brain broad, and empath to teach and offer fairness and love. As she imagined as a little girl, but differently.
Along with award winning books and music, instructional videos and answering viewer's letters for The Autism Channel on Letters to Lynette, The Brain Broad's most ambitious ongoing project is her international docu-series FIX IT IN FIVE with LYNETTE LOUISE aka THE BRAIN BROAD. An idea hatched out of Lynette's desire to share her tools of change with thousands of families worldwide, rather than just one family at a time as happens in her work as a practitioner. As a practitioner, Lynette Louise is invited into homes around the world where she teaches important attitudinal shifts and brain science, along with neurofeedback therapy, to families living with brain disorders. Hundreds of children, parents, aunts and grandpa's have benefited from her passion and neurofeedback equipment.
By offering her services in a docu-series Lynette is able to give families willing to be on camera a free five day life changing therapy marathon. At the same time audiences are gifted with answers, entertainment, and an exampling of living life with creativity and intention. The Uganda and USA seasons are available for viewing, and the Israel season is in the final editing stages.
Regardless of which hat Lynette is wearing - be it host, therapist, speaker, singer, writer, mom, or friend - one thing is always certain: Lynette teaches, with science and personal stories, in order to help and heal.
Articles by and About Dr. Lynette Louise
- Learning with Lynette: Autism Acceptance Month Series with Dr. Lynette Louise and Louloua Smadi: The Learning with Lynette videos have been consistently uploaded and made public throughout the month of April, Autism Acceptance Month.
- 20 New Episodes of Letters to Lynette with Dr. Lynette Louise to Air on The Autism Channel in 2018: Letters to Lynette is a 15 - 20 minute show wherein international brain change expert and autism specialist Dr. Lynette Louise answers viewer's personalized questions.
- Fix it in Five Season 2 by Lynette Louise - Autism Channel: Season Two compares Applied Behavior Analysis vs Child Centered Learning and reveals how common approach is complicit in creating violence that is blamed on autism.
- Rent or Buy Autism Series FIX IT IN FIVE Season 2 USA: The first two seasons of Fix It In Five with Lynette Louise are now available to rent or buy for people anywhere in the world.
- The Novel Coronavirus and Your Autistic Child: Dr. Lynette Louise offers tips to help relieve worry and ease health risks from COVID-19 when your child has autism.
- The Brain Broad's COVID-19 Response: A few of the changes Dr. Lynette Louise, The Brain Broad, made due COVID restrictions.
- Autism Awareness: Music, Comedy and Brain Science: Autism expert Lynette Louise raises awareness and offers answers around the world as therapist author speaker and neurofeedback specialist.
- Autism ABCs and Fix it in Five: Free from The Brain Broad for April and Beyond: Dr. Lynette Louise releases season one (Uganda) of her international autism docu-series Fix it in Five with Lynette Louise aka The Brain Broad, free for viewing on YouTube.
- World Autism Awareness Day with The Brain Broad: Dr. Lynette Louise (aka The Brain Broad), and people who build their lives and livings out of helping others, are finding creative and powerful ways to reach out to their communities.
- The Brain Broad Talks about Lust: Helping Teenagers with Autism through Puberty and Beyond: In her latest Autism ABCs series Dr. Lynette Louise, aka The Brain Broad, presents her latest video for the letter L which, she decides, stands for Lust.
- From Client to Clinician by Louloua Smadi - A Book Review: Book review by Tsara Shelton of From Client to Clinician: The Transformative Power of Neurofeedback Therapy for Families Living with Autism and Other Special Needs written by Louloua Smadi.