Do you Know What Your Drinking IQ Score Is?

Author: Screening for Mental Health
Published: 2010/04/09 - Updated: 2019/09/16
Topic: Addiction and Substance Abuse - Publications List

Page Content: Synopsis - Introduction - Main

Synopsis: Service members and their families can assess alcohol use by taking an anonymous online alcohol screening test.

Screening is the first step in assessing whether someone should reduce alcohol consumption or get help in doing so.

Alcohol is a factor in 60% of fatal burn injuries, drownings, and homicides; 50% of severe trauma injuries and sexual assaults; and 40% of fatal motor vehicle crashes, suicides, and fatal falls.


Military installations worldwide invite service members and their families to assess their alcohol use by taking an anonymous alcohol screening at

Main Item

In recognition of Alcohol Awareness Month, Military Pathways, a Department of Defense (DoD) funded initiative, is encouraging service members and their families to take an anonymous online alcohol assessment in an effort to raise awareness on the consequences of at-risk drinking and the signs of an alcohol problem. The screenings are available online at as well as at events held at military installations.

"Occasional alcohol use can cause few if any problems. However, at-risk or heavy drinking can impact all aspects of a Service member's life, including health and family," says Lt Col Hans Ritschard, Force Health Protection & Readiness Programs, Director of Psychological Health Strategic Operations.

Screening is the first step in assessing whether someone should reduce alcohol consumption or get help in doing so.

Consequences of At-risk Drinking


Drinking too much increases chances of being injured or killed.

Alcohol is a factor in 60% of fatal burn injuries, drownings, and homicides; 50% of severe trauma injuries and sexual assaults; and 40% of fatal motor vehicle crashes, suicides, and fatal falls.

Health Problems:

Heavy drinkers have a greater risk of liver disease, heart disease, sleep disorders, depression, stroke, and several types of cancer.

They may have problems managing diabetes, high blood pressure, and other conditions.

Birth Defects:

Drinking during pregnancy can cause brain damage and other serious problems in the baby.

It is not known whether any amount of alcohol is safe; women who are pregnant or may become pregnant should not drink.

Alcohol Use Disorders:

Generally known as alcoholism and alcohol abuse, alcohol use disorders are medical conditions that doctors can diagnose when a patient's drinking causes distress or harm.

In the US, about 18 million people have an alcohol use disorder. (Source: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, 2010)

In addition to the online screenings, military installations worldwide will be holding in-person education and awareness events. Educational materials, promotional items including posters and sports water bottles with the DrinkingIQ website, and screening forms are available throughout the year.

Military Pathways

Military Pathways gives service personnel and their families the opportunity to learn more about mental health and alcohol use through anonymous self-assessments offered online, via telephone, and through events held at installations.

The program is designed to help individuals identify symptoms and access assistance before a problem becomes serious.

The self-assessments address alcohol use, PTSD, depression, generalized anxiety disorder, and bipolar disorder.

After completing a self-assessment, individuals receive referral information including Tricare, Military OneSource and Veterans Affairs.

The program is run by the nonprofit Screening for Mental Health® and is fully funded by Force Health Protection and Readiness, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense, Health Affairs.

Attribution/Source(s): This quality-reviewed publication was selected for publishing by the editors of Disabled World (DW) due to its relevance to the disability community. Originally authored by Screening for Mental Health and published on 2010/04/09, this content may have been edited for style, clarity, or brevity. For further details or clarifications, Screening for Mental Health can be contacted at NOTE: Disabled World does not provide any warranties or endorsements related to this article.

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Disabled World (DW) is a comprehensive online resource providing information and news related to disabilities, assistive technologies, and accessibility. Founded in 2004 our website covers a wide range of topics, including disability rights, healthcare, education, employment, and independent living, with the goal of supporting the disability community and their families.

Cite This Page (APA): Screening for Mental Health. (2010, April 9 - Last revised: 2019, September 16). Do you Know What Your Drinking IQ Score Is?. Disabled World (DW). Retrieved February 12, 2025 from

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