List of Disability Newsletters and Magazines to Subscribe To
Ian C. Langtree - Writer/Editor for Disabled World (DW)
Published: 2009/01/01 - Updated: 2024/03/04
Publication Type: Informative
Topic: Disability News - Publications List
Page Content: Synopsis Introduction Main
Synopsis: A list of magazines and newsletters regarding disability issues and news that can be read online or subscribed to via email.
• Do you publish an informative newsletter relating to disabilities? To have your resource listed on this page please contact us and include as many details regarding your publication as possible.
Many disability organizations publish online newsletters, or magazines, often e-mailed to subscribers. This is a list of newsletters regarding disability issues and news that can either be read online, or subscribed to via email.
Main Item
- Disabled World: Subscribe to our weekly newsletter by simply filling in your name and email address in the Newsletter Sign-up box - NOT CURRENTLY AVAILABLE.
- LD OnLine: Learning disabilities and ADHD. Sign up to receive news and information about key issues in reading, learning disabilities, and other areas of learning.
- PosAbility Magazine (Scotland) Serving the disabled community for over 10 years. A lifestyle magazine that specifically caters for disabled people and families with disabled children.
- RESILIENCE Magazine: Founded in 2023 by EurekaVision LLC as a digital lifestyle magazine and website for people with disabilities.
- Rolling Inspiration (South Africa): A lifestyle magazine for mobility impaired people, including those who've suffered spinal cord injuries and other disabling conditions.
- Spotlight on Disability Newsletter: This publication of the Office on Disability Issues in Psychology features ongoing advocacy efforts by committees within APA, and highlights up-to-date research on disability and health from all over the world.
- The Loop! A quarterly newsletter updating subscribers on the upcoming and ongoing projects of Dr. Lynette Louise ("The Brain Broad"). Lynette is an international brain change and behavior expert specializing in autism and is on the cutting edge of treating autism, Parkinson's, ADHD, depression, and other brain-related disorders. She is also the single mother of eight now adult children; six adopted, four with autism and a variety of other diagnosis - read previous newsletters or signup here.
- WHO newsletter on disability and rehabilitation: WHO newsletter dedicated to disability and rehabilitation and aimed to keep you abreast of WHO's activities in this area. It will be produced three times a year and distributed via e-mail.
U.S.A. Disability Newsletters:
- AAHD: Publishes an informative, timely and interesting electronic quarterly newsletter for AAHD members and others interested in the field of disability and health.
- BellaOnline: Strictly adheres to a No Spam policy. Your email address will never be sold or used for anything other than their Disabilities Newsletter.
- Digital Accessibility Digest blog: Online accessibility blog includes Microassist-original and curated news and information of interest to web, content, and application developers, as well as IT departments and legal counsel. Content focuses on the importance of implementing WCAG 2.0- and Section 508-specified accessibility practices that make digital materials perceivable, navigable, and usable by people with disabilities. Content from our Accessibility in the News e-newsletter feature highlights articles is also included with additional commentary.
- Diversity World: A medicinal concoction of insights, information, tools, and resources designed to cure ailing and impoverished workplaces by increasing the opportunities for people with disabilities to participate equitably in the workforce.
- E-News from MobilityWorks - My Mobility: Sponsored by BraunAbility, providers of the Entervan, Entervan XT, Entervan RE and Rampan wheelchair minivan conversions.
- Exceptional Parent Magazine: Provides practical advice, emotional support, and the most up-to-date educational information for families of children and adults with disabilities.
- PUSHLiving: A lifestyle brand and magazine dedicated to telling the stories of mobility-impaired people.
- The Family Center on Technology and Disability: Provides a wide range of resources on instructional and assistive technologies, from introductory fact sheets through CEU's for practitioners and educators.
Disability Newsletters Canada:
- Alberta Seniors Premier's Council Publications: Disability in Focus, newsletter of the Premier's Council on the Status of Persons with Disabilities.
- BC Aboriginal Network on Disability Society: The newsletter distribution is quarterly and includes articles and concerns raised directly from the First Nations/Aboriginal disabled community and others associated with the disabled. Members automatically receive a copy of the newsletter.
- e-Spoken: Enter your email address to receive their free bi-monthly electronic newsletter.
U.K. Disability Newsletters:
- ABILITY Magazine: An award-winning publication providing insights into individual levels of ability.
- BBC - Radio 4: Peter White's You & Yours Disability Newsletter.
- Disability Equality NW's Newsletter: DENW produces a newsletter four times per year. If you are a member you should receive these automatically.
- Disability Federation of Ireland: For newsletter queries and submissions, please contact
- Disability Horizons Magazine: An online disability lifestyle publication that aims to give disabled people a voice and publishes articles on a wide variety of topics.
- Disability Insider: An initiative launched by Techbility to provide users with information on the latest statistics, research and global news.
- Disability News Service (DNS): Run by John Pring, a disabled journalist who has been reporting on disability issues for nearly 25 years.
- Disability Research E-Newsletters: Provided to Breakthrough's Independent Employment Advocacy Center as an information resource by the Research Institute for Health and Social Change (RIHSC), Manchester Metropolitan University, in association with the Center for Rehabilitation Studies, Stellenbosch University (South Africa) and the Center for Global Health, Trinity College Dublin.
- Disability Voice: Accessible newsletter available every month in English and French.
- Disabled Motoring UK Magazine: A campaigning charity for disabled drivers, passengers and Blue Badge holders.
- Enable Magazine: Latest disability news, inspiring interviews and much more.
- Living with Disability Magazine: Shares and informs those living with a disability on a range of news and features.
- New Mobility Magazine: A magazine for wheelchair users, includes articles concerning disability lifestyle.
- U Can 2 Magazine: Provides news, stories and opportunities for disabled people and their carers.
Australian Disability Newsletters:
- Australian Federation of Disability Organizations: The AFDO Newsletter allows you to stay informed on their latest news via email subscription.
- Disability News - Infoxchange Australia: Receive weekly Disability and Community News updates.
- IDEAS Online: The IDEAS' website provides a high quality accessible web portal for people with disability and people with age related disability, their families, carers and other supporters to access and search for information that promotes their independence. IDEAS produces 6 printed newsletters a year, keeping younger people with disability and people with aged related disability, their families and carers up-to-date and informed on services, products, workshops, forums and issues relating to aged and disability services. The newsletter is available in alternative formats (such as audio and plain text) on request.
- LINK Magazine: A national publication that covers a diverse range of topics around Australia including news, issues, art, sport, breakthroughs, travel, health, advocacy, products, and people in the disability sector.
- NSW CID E-news: A monthly email news bulletin to update NSW Council for Intellectual Disability (NSW CID) members and supporters of recent NSW CID activities. It contains news, events and information relevant to people with intellectual disability and their advocates.
- Warringah Disability Newsletter: To receive a newsletter by email in Microsoft Word, pdf format or large print, provide your name, email address, organization and phone number to or phone 9942 2686.
Schools and University Disability Newsletters:
- Disability Newsletter: Published by the Disabled Students Programs & Services staff at College of the Redwoods.
- Newsletter for Students with Disabilities at Flinders University: Students with Disabilities Newsletter.
- PACER Newsletters on Disability, Special Needs Information, Parenting: PACER's main newsletter; information on special education, PACER programs, and resources.
Do you publish an informative newsletter relating to disabilities? To have your resource listed on this page please contact us and include as many details regarding your publication as possible.