Disability Awareness: Information, Programs and Event Dates

Author: Disabled World
Updated/Revised Date: 2022/04/05
Contents: Summary - Introduction - Main - Subtopics - Publications

Synopsis: Information on disability awareness and educating people regarding disabilities including disability etiquette guidelines in the community. The biggest barrier people with disabilities encounter is other people. Disability Awareness means educating people regarding disabilities and giving people the knowledge required to carry out a job or task, thus separating good practice from poor. It is no longer enough just to know that disability discrimination is unlawful. Disability etiquette is guidelines dealing specifically with how to approach people with disabilities and were initially created to challenge social conventions rather than to reinforce them. Most disability etiquette guidelines seem to be predicated on a simple dictate: "Do not assume..."


What is Disability Awareness?

The biggest barrier people with disabilities encounter are other people. Disability Awareness means educating people regarding disabilities and giving people the knowledge required to carry out a job or task, thus separating good practice from poor. It is no longer enough just to know that disability discrimination is unlawful.

Main Document

For instance, disability awareness relates to topics such as a recent paper released by the Council for Disability Awareness that examines the lack of awareness of the risks and the financial burden that an unexpected accident or illness can have on retirement savings.

Even though 3 in 10 workers entering the workforce today will become disabled before retiring, disability is often overlooked as a threat to long-term financial security.

Continued below image.

A yellow sign hanging from white scaffolding with the symbols for a male, female, and disability bathroom, and baby changing rooms next to an arrow pointing right.
A yellow sign hanging from white scaffolding with the symbols for a male, female, and disability bathroom, and baby changing rooms next to an arrow pointing right.

Hidden Disability Awareness

Disability Awareness Week

Disability Etiquette

Disability etiquette are guidelines dealing specifically with how to approach people with disabilities and were initially created to challenge social conventions rather than to reinforce them. Most disability etiquette guidelines seem to be predicated on a simple dictate: "Do not assume...". They are written to address real and perceived shortcomings in how society as a whole treats people with disabilities.

"Disability etiquette" exists to draw attention to common assumptions and misconceptions through the provision of guidelines that contradict them. More than that, however, these guidelines are evolving to approximate social etiquette among the non-disabled, in hope that people with disabilities will be treated with "common courtesy." - McGrattan, 2001.

Museum of Disability History

The Museum of Disability History is a museum related to the history of people with disabilities from medieval times to the present era. Located in Williamsville, New York, USA, it is the only "brick's and mortar" museum dedicated to advancing the understanding, acceptance and independence of people with disabilities in the United States.

With, and on behalf of, individuals with developmental and other disabilities, the Museum seeks to promote a higher level of societal awareness and understanding, and a change in attitudes, perceptions and actions that will result in people with disabilities having the greatest possible participation in their communities.

Awareness Ribbons

Many causes promote their awareness by the wearing of a particular color ribbon. Here is a list of awareness ribbons for some causes and the colors they use. Our disability awareness articles will start readers on their way to a better understanding of disability issues and the disability community as a whole.

Disability education brings attitudes to the surface, where they can be examined consciously, rather than putting students together and hoping for the best. It's not surprising that, despite the best of intentions, students with disabilities who participate in inclusion programs may continue to feel left out.

Teaching Children Disability Etiquette

Age appropriate education and refreshers are critical to teach our children. Many kids with disabilities are being integrated into the mainstream of the public school system. To achieve a successful integration, it is important to implement disability awareness. In addition, today's children are our future; teaching them tolerance of those who are differently Abled now, ensures a more accepting society in years to come.

Teaching Kids Disability Etiquette - Kimberly Carnevale - (2009-01-28)


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Disabled World is an independent disability community founded in 2004 to provide news and information to people with disabilities, seniors, their family and carers. You can connect with us on social media such as X.com and Facebook.

Cite This Page (APA): Disabled World. (2022, April 5). Disability Awareness: Information, Programs and Event Dates. Disabled World. Retrieved May 17, 2024 from www.disabled-world.com/disability/awareness/

Permalink: <a href="https://www.disabled-world.com/disability/awareness/">Disability Awareness: Information, Programs and Event Dates</a>: Information on disability awareness and educating people regarding disabilities including disability etiquette guidelines in the community.

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