Pooper Scooper Week Starts Today

Author: Association of Professional Animal Waste Specialists (aPaws)
Published: 2010/04/01
Contents: Summary - Introduction - Main - Related

Synopsis: Special week of educating pet owners on importance of cleaning up after their dogs.


International Pooper Scooper Week - April 1-7, 2010

Main Digest

The Association of Professional Animal Waste Specialists (aPaws) was founded in February 2002 by a group of pooper scoopers who believe every dog should have its day or in this case, a week. In recognition of a growing problem in our communities, environment and water tables, aPaws has established a special week of educating pet owners on the importance of cleaning up the after their dogs.

Dog waste is no joke! According to the American Pet Products Manufacturers Association, there are 77.5 million dogs in the U.S., with nearly half of the population owning at least one dog. And every dog has to poop!

Dog poop is more than just an everyday, natural occurrence - dog waste can pose a serious health hazard. Why? A number of common parasites, including roundworm, are transmitted via dog feces. When infected dog droppings are left on the ground, the eggs of the roundworms and other parasites can linger in the soil for years. As a result, anyone who comes in contact with the soil also comes in contact with the infected eggs.

Children run the greatest risk of infection because they're prone to play in the dirt at the park or playground and then put their hands in their mouths or rub their eyes with their hands. But even a group of teens or adults playing Frisbee or touch football in an open area could be in danger. Parasitic infections can make humans extremely sick, and for pregnant women can pose serious harm to their unborn child.

If you can't pick up the dog waste yourself then you can always hire a professional pooper scooper to do it for you! There are hundreds of pooper scooper companies around the U.S. whose sole purpose in life is to make your yard or neighborhood poop-free. For more information on the hazards of dog waste or to locate an aPaws member professional pooper scooper, visit www.apaws.org and use their convenient Find-A-Scooper Directory to find a scooper near you.

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Cite This Page (APA): Association of Professional Animal Waste Specialists (aPaws). (2010, April 1). Pooper Scooper Week Starts Today. Disabled World. Retrieved May 15, 2024 from www.disabled-world.com/news/offbeat/pooper-scooper.php

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