Wheelchair Friendly European Travel Destinations

Author: Jessica Bosari - Contact: Contact Details
Published: 2013/02/17 - Updated: 2022/02/14
Contents: Summary - Introduction - Main - Related

Synopsis: If you plan to visit Europe and will be traveling in a wheelchair these top European destinations should be high on your list. Besides being a great starting point for tourists looking to roam around Europe, London offers a variety of accommodations for individuals in wheelchairs. The public transportation system within the city is very efficient. Every bus offers wheelchair users a ramp to get on and off the vehicle. Venice is not as big as many people think it is and despite its vast amount of canals, is still quite accessible when using a wheelchair. Water taxis are the biggest form of transportation.


Europe is one of the most traversed continents on the planet. Travelers can find a variety of historical sites, vibrant nightlife and a melting pot of cultures from around the world. If you plan to visit Europe in the near future and will be traveling in a wheelchair, these top European destinations should be high on your list.

Main Digest


Besides being a great starting point for tourists looking to roam around Europe, London offers a variety of accommodations for individuals in wheelchairs. The public transportation system within the city is very efficient. Every bus offers wheelchair users a ramp to get on and off the vehicle. The bus system is also the most affordable way to get from one tourist attraction to another.

An alternative to the bus system are taxis. While taxis in London can be quite expensive, they all have a convenient ramp for disabled passengers to board the vehicles. If you can afford the high fares, taxis are the most efficient form of transportation in the city.

Wheelchair accessible standards maintained by the city are much higher than other areas in Europe. Because of this, wheelchair users will find that the majority of hotels and attractions will have wheelchair ramps and easy access points.


Berlin is a city that is rich with history and culture. Like London, Berlin offers convenient public transportation via buses for both wheelchair users. The majority of the buses in Berlin are equipped with ramps that can be extended to the curbs. Both the front and back doors are equipped with ramps, allowing for easy access to both parts of the bus.

The bus system in Berlin is extremely efficient and will take you to just about anywhere in the city; including the Reichstag, Brandenburg Gate and the German History Museum. The metro subway system in Berlin is also an efficient form of public transportation and is equipped with seventy-seven different stations that are accessible via wheelchair.


While Vienna's public transportation system could be improved for wheelchair bound travelers, you will find that most shops within the city are very accommodating to wheelchair users.

One of the top wheelchair accessible attractions within Vienna is the Emperor's palace. Built in the 1500s, the Emperor's Palace offers an historical experience that can't be missed.

Most of the hotels, local boutique shops and restaurants within the city are wheelchair accessible. The Vienna Tourist Board provides a list of businesses that provide assistance for those who are wheelchair-bound.


Paris is a very wheelchair friendly city. Their easy-to-use metro rail system offers easy access to disabled persons via elevators at most of their stations and all of their public buses are equipped with ramps that are available for wheelchair use.

The most affordable way to visit tourist destinations such as The Louvre Museum and The Eiffel Tower is to use the metro system. The system maintains stops all over the city; including at every major tourist destination.


Venice is not as big as many people think it is and despite its vast amount of canals, is still quite accessible when using a wheelchair. Water taxis are the biggest form of transportation.

Because traversing the city may take a long time, wheelchair users should use water transportation services. While private water taxis may be harder to come by, public water transportation services will accommodate wheelchair users.

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Cite This Page (APA): Jessica Bosari. (2013, February 17). Wheelchair Friendly European Travel Destinations. Disabled World. Retrieved May 19, 2024 from www.disabled-world.com/travel/europe/wheelchair-europe.php

Permalink: <a href="https://www.disabled-world.com/travel/europe/wheelchair-europe.php">Wheelchair Friendly European Travel Destinations</a>: If you plan to visit Europe and will be traveling in a wheelchair these top European destinations should be high on your list.

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