Internet Addiction: Where Do You Rank

Author: University of Surrey
Published: 2023/10/02
Publication Type: Research Study Analysis - Peer-Reviewed: Yes
Contents: Summary - Introduction - Main - Related

Synopsis: The study introduced a new internet addiction spectrum, categorizing internet users into five groups. The researchers found no link between gender and online behavior. Additionally, higher levels of addiction correlated with more confidence in using mobile technology, particularly a greater willingness to try out new apps. Our main aim was to clarify the difference between using the internet in a problematic way and being addicted to it.


"Internet Addiction Continuum and Its Moderating Effect on Augmented Reality Application Experiences: Digital Natives Versus Older Users" - Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing.

Young people (24 years and younger) spend an average of six hours a day online, primarily using their smartphones, according to research from the University of Surrey. Older people (those 24 years and older) spend 4.6 hours online.

Main Digest

Surrey's study, which involved 796 participants, introduces a new internet addiction spectrum, categorizing internet users into five groups:

Dr Brigitte Stangl, the lead author of the study at the University of Surrey, said:

"Our main aim was to clarify the difference between using the internet in a problematic way and being addicted to it. We found that the younger you are, the more likely you are to be addicted to the internet, and this tendency decreases with age.'

"We also wanted to explore how the severity of internet addiction affects users' experience with new, high-tech applications like augmented reality."

The researchers found no link between gender and online behavior. Additionally, higher levels of addiction correlated with more confidence in using mobile technology, particularly a greater willingness to try out new apps.

The study also discovered that emotional experiences (the emotions felt while using an app) strongly predicted future behavior for all groups when interacting with augmented reality. In contrast, action experiences (navigating a website or playing a game) were mostly irrelevant for addicts.

Dr Stangl concluded:

"Our study underscores the need for tailored interventions and support for individuals at various stages of internet addiction. The findings will certainly influence the design and development of digital services and AR applications, ensuring they cater to the diverse needs of users in the current digital environment."


This peer reviewed publication titled Internet Addiction: Where Do You Rank was chosen for publishing by Disabled World's editors due to its relevance to the disability community. While the content may have been edited for style, clarity, or brevity, it was originally authored by University of Surrey and published 2023/10/02. For further details or clarifications, you can contact University of Surrey directly at Disabled World does not provide any warranties or endorsements related to this article.

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Cite This Page (APA): University of Surrey. (2023, October 2). Internet Addiction: Where Do You Rank. Disabled World. Retrieved May 19, 2024 from

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