Short Term Disability Insurance for Pregnancy

Author: Supplemental Maternity Insurance
Published: 2011/06/13
Contents: Summary - Main - Related Publications

Synopsis: Applying for short term disability insurance before getting pregnant to put your mind at ease.

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Applying for short term disability insurance before getting pregnant to put your mind at ease.

Many growing families are struggling to make ends meet - before losing mom's income, and then adding an extra mouth to feed. And there is always that doubt in the back of your mind: what if something happens

Apply for short term disability insurance before getting pregnant to put your mind at ease.

In a nutshell short term disability insurance for pregnancy is a type of supplemental insurance that pays you cash when you have your hospital stay to deliver the baby.

Most health insurance companies these days don't cover cost associated with "standard pregnancy" they only cover the cost associated with "complications of pregnancy." However, complications resulting from pregnancy are only covered after you've met your plans medical deductible, which are often times between $2,000 - $10,000.

Also many medical plans may have a "separate maternity deductible" that you must meet in addition to your standard medical deductible. Often times the separate maternity deductible is between $5,000 - $7,500, which for all intent and purpose leaves you covering the majority of the cost.

Some employers do offer medical insurance that sometimes pays a large portion of the costs associated with pregnancy, but again after you've met the medical and maternity deductibles you can still find yourself paying thousands of dollars before the insurance kicks-in.

Before getting pregnant it's a great idea to speak with your employer or HR person to find out what the projected maternity costs will be. This will enable you to be better prepared when your child arrives and make the experience more enjoyable and less stressful. And heck, even if your employer's insurance plan does cover the majority of the costs associated with having a baby you can't tell me having an extra $3,600 in cash won't help keep the new baby in shoes!

Learn more today about supplemental maternity insurance for you next planned pregnancy:

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Cite This Page (APA): Supplemental Maternity Insurance. (2011, June 13). Short Term Disability Insurance for Pregnancy. Disabled World. Retrieved April 18, 2024 from

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