Report an Error Found On Disabled World (DW)

We would appreciate your help to ensure that the content on our website is accurate and up-to-date.

To help us maintain the accuracy and integrity of Disabled World (DW) if you see an error or omission on one of our web pages please let us know about it. We would like to know about broken links, coding errors, missing information or factual inaccuracies in the content.

When submitting your request please ensure that you include the URL (web address) of the page and details of any changes needed or errors encountered. Including a screenshot can also be helpful to us.

By taking the time to report errors and false content, you contribute to a more accurate and trustworthy online environment. Your efforts help combat the spread of misinformation and improve the quality of information available to all users.

You can report this to us by contacting us.

While we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, it's important to note that our content is for general informational purposes only. We always recommend consulting qualified healthcare professionals for personalized medical advice. Any 3rd party offering or advertising does not constitute an endorsement.