How Will the ACA Affect Uninsured Young Adults
Ian C. Langtree - Writer/Editor for Disabled World (DW)
Published: 2010/10/08 - Updated: 2025/02/02
Publication Type: Informative
Topic: Disability Insurance - Publications List
Page Content: Synopsis - Introduction - Main
Synopsis: The Affordable Care Act will make a major difference for youth, as up to 12.1 million could gain subsidized insurance when the law's provisions go into effect.
Why it matters: This report examines the significant impact of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) on uninsured young adults in the United States. As of 2009, nearly 15 million individuals aged 19 to 29 lacked health insurance, a number that had increased by over 1 million from the previous year. The ACA aims to address this issue by providing subsidized insurance options, potentially benefiting up to 12.1 million young adults once all provisions are fully implemented. Specifically, by 2014, approximately 7.2 million uninsured young adults were expected to gain coverage through Medicaid expansions, while an additional 4.9 million could obtain subsidized private insurance via new health insurance exchanges. Furthermore, starting in 2010, about 1 million uninsured young adults up to age 26 were projected to join their parents' insurance policies. However, it's important to note that an estimated 1.8 million uninsured young adults who are not legal residents would remain ineligible for federally subsidized health insurance under the ACA. The report concludes that the ACA enables young adults across various income levels to establish essential connections with the healthcare system without the fear of incurring medical debt, thereby supporting their educational and career aspirations - Disabled World (DW).
Young adults continue to represent one of the largest groups of Americans without health insurance, with nearly 15 million people aged 19-29 uninsured in 2009 an increase of more than 1 million over 2008, according to a Commonwealth Fund report. However, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is poised to make a significant difference for this population, as up to 12.1 million could gain subsidized insurance once all of the law's provisions go into effect.
Main Item
The report, Realizing Health Reform's Potential: Young Adults and the Affordable Care Act of 2010, by Commonwealth Fund researchers Sara Collins and Jennifer Nicholson, is an update of a May 2010 report, with new numbers reflecting the latest data on the number of uninsured Americans released by the U.S. Census Bureau last month. The Commonwealth Fund is a private foundation supporting independent research on health policy reform and a high performance health system.
According to the report:
- About 1 million uninsured young adults up to age 26 are projected to join their parents' policies beginning in 2010.
- By 2014, when most of the bill's provisions will have taken effect, up to 7.2 million uninsured young adults will gain coverage through Medicaid expansions and up to 4.9 million will gain subsidized private coverage through new insurance exchanges.
- The report also estimates that 1.8 million uninsured young adults are not legal residents and will not be eligible for federally subsidized health insurance under the new law.
The authors conclude that:
"When fully implemented, the ACA will allow young adults of all income levels to undergo a new rite of passage: establishing necessary ties with the health care system, without fear of accumulating medical debt, as they pursue their educational and career goals."
This report is the fourth in an ongoing series of Commonwealth Fund reports designed to explain how health reform will affect various groups.