Museum of Sex Intimate Encounters
Author: Noelle Daidone
Published: 2008/06/08 - Updated: 2018/06/18
Topic: Disability Sexuality - Publications List
Page Content: Synopsis - Introduction - Main
Synopsis: The Museum of Sex Intimate Encounters features photography which highlights disability does not prevent or preclude sexuality.
Intimate Encounters: Disability and Sexuality features the photography of Belinda Mason-Lovering, which highlights the fact that disability does not prevent or preclude sexuality. Selected images from this internationally critically acclaimed exhibition will be on display at the Museum of Sex.
Main Item
The Museum of Sex is proud to announce the opening of an important, thirteen-week long Australian-based exhibition making its debut in the United States.
Intimate Encounters: Disability and Sexuality features the photography of Belinda Mason-Lovering, which highlights the fact that disability does not prevent or preclude sexuality.
Selected images from this internationally critically acclaimed exhibition will be on display at the Museum of Sex from June 18- September 16, 2007.
Described as a landmark photographic essay, this exhibition challenges the hidden and often not so hidden myth in our society that only the most glamorous, attractive and successful among us lead active, healthy and imaginative sex lives.
The subjects featured in each striking photograph on view at the museum possess physical disabilities and through the experience of being photographed, share their most intimate thoughts and feelings.
Mason-Lovering traveled around Australia over two years collecting images that reflect the personal emotional journey of people with disabilities by choosing to photograph the intangible emotion.
The participants gave me such precious stories and trusted me to translate these thoughts and feelings carefully and tenderly onto images, explained Mason-Lovering. They exposed not only their bodies but also their souls by expressing their most intimate of emotions and thoughts. Our own reaction to the images exposes us to ourselves and our ability to listen when someone lays their naked soul in our path.
While handicapped accessible, the layout of the historic building that houses the Museum of Sex may present a slight inconvenience to those patrons with physical disabilities interested in viewing this exhibition.
We were very concerned about some of the quirks of our space when we first considered hosting this exhibition, said Sarah Jacobs, Museum of Sex curator. After much discussion we decided to move forward with the installation.
Belinda's work is so captivating and its message so important that the need to showcase her exhibition in New York outweighs any inconvenience that the physical structure of the museum may present. Our staff vows to do its best to accommodate the needs of all of our patrons.
About the Museum of Sex
The mission of the Museum of Sex, which opened in October 2002, is to preserve and present the history, evolution, and cultural significance of human sexuality.
It is committed to open discourse and exchange and to bringing to the public the best in current scholarship in its exhibitions, programs, and publications.
The museum is located at 233 Fifth Avenue at 27th Street, New York, NY 10016.
Open 7 days a week: Sunday-Friday 11am-6:30pm; Saturday 11am-8pm.
Admission is $14.50; $13.50 seniors/students.
Tickets can be purchased at the door or online at
Attribution/Source(s): This quality-reviewed publication was selected for publishing by the editors of Disabled World (DW) due to its relevance to the disability community. Originally authored by Noelle Daidone and published on 2008/06/08, this content may have been edited for style, clarity, or brevity. For further details or clarifications, Noelle Daidone can be contacted at NOTE: Disabled World does not provide any warranties or endorsements related to this article.