Stephen Gaynor School Shares Benefits of Performing Arts Education for Students With Learning Differences
Author: Stephen Gaynor School
Published: 2016/12/21 - Updated: 2018/05/01
Topic: Special Education - Publications List
Page Content: Synopsis - Introduction - Main
Synopsis: Award-winning actor with dyslexia, Mark Ruffalo, shares his insight on the importance of the performing arts for students with learning differences.
Stephen Gaynor School, a New York City based independent Pre-K, Lower and Middle School for bright students with learning differences, has released a new video discussing the ways in which a performing arts education benefits students with language-based learning disabilities.
Main Item
The video (below), entitled "Performing Arts: Benefits for Students with Learning Differences", features Stephen Gaynor School students and faculty including Head of School Dr. Scott Gaynor, Co-Founder and Director of Education Yvette Siegel-Herzog, as well as actor and Gaynor parent, Mark Ruffalo. Students at the Stephen Gaynor School, a pioneer in special education, experience transformative effects when participating in performing arts.
"Research has shown that the arts are an essential part of a child's education. Theater arts in particular have shown to improve expressive and receptive language skills, comprehension skills in reading as well as math skills," said Dr. Scott Gaynor, Head of School.
In the video, faculty members highlight the importance of the arts in any well-rounded educational program, but especially for students with learning differences like those at Stephen Gaynor School. Arts activities promote growth in positive social skills, empathy and social tolerance.
As stated in the video, research shows that experience with the dramatic arts is particularly important to support the development of literacy skills, reading fluency, motor skills, social skills and motivation.
The arts program at Stephen Gaynor School includes art, drama, music, and digital photography - all of which are highly integrated with the topics students study in class. The video emphasizes that participation in the arts is an important strategy for engaging and motivating students with learning differences.
Mark Ruffalo, Stephen Gaynor School parent and award-winning actor, reflected on his own experience as a student in the performing arts.
Ruffalo said, "People think that I chose it, but in a way it chose me. It's where I felt the most at home with my particular talents - I was dyslexic."
Ruffalo goes on to say, "My teacher, Stella Adler, used to say 'we should have to pay to go to church and the theater should be free because that's where we learn about who we are as human beings'. For kids who have learning differences, performing arts are just another avenue for them to express themselves."
Attribution/Source(s): This quality-reviewed publication was selected for publishing by the editors of Disabled World (DW) due to its relevance to the disability community. Originally authored by Stephen Gaynor School and published on 2016/12/21, this content may have been edited for style, clarity, or brevity. For further details or clarifications, Stephen Gaynor School can be contacted at NOTE: Disabled World does not provide any warranties or endorsements related to this article.