Boris Johnson Unlocks England from Covid Restrictions Despite Soaring Infection Levels
Author: Paul Dodenhoff
Published: 2021/07/19
Topic: Europe - Publications List
Page Content: Synopsis - Introduction - Main
Synopsis: Well he's only gone and done it. Boris Johnson unlocks England from all Covid restrictions despite soaring infection levels.
• While it's very easy to criticise a country that has undoubtedly been ahead of the game in terms of Covid vaccinations, it once again seems that 'conservative' political ideology has got in the way of sound political judgement and common-sense.
• Current statistics indicate that 1 in 5 Brits currently in hospital have had 2 Covid jabs, while government's own statistical modelling suggest that 60% to 70% of those unfortunate to die from Covid during this summer, will also have been double jabbed.
Well he's only gone and done it. Boris Johnson unlocks England from all Covid restrictions despite soaring infection levels.
Main Item
This one has been coming for some time, so no surprise to the world that England now reverts back to it's insane attempt at 'herd immunity'. A policy they largely denied existed when Covid cases started to explode exponentially in February/March 2020, despite a number of high ranking Government sources initially arguing the case for such an approach. As China, Italy and then France all caved in to the inevitable, Boris Johnson's government primarily sat on its hands and did nothing, as if the UK was somehow immune to it all. They let the virus spread completely out-of-control and then used restrictions and lockdowns in order to prevent it's health care system from imploding.
While it's very easy to criticise a country that has undoubtedly been ahead of the game in terms of Covid vaccinations, it once again seems that 'conservative' political ideology has got in the way of sound political judgement and common-sense. "If we can't reopen now, when can we?" seems to be the only argument this bunch of serially incompetent and bungling politicians can put forward. The answer to which is simply, when it is safe to do so. But today's reopening comes at a time when the UK is entering another dangerous phase of the game, as significant numbers of the population have still to receive the vaccine and as Covid cases increase exponentially again. Doubling up in shorter and shorter time spans.
This decision primarily rests upon Covid vaccines helping to keep people from serious illness and hospitalisation. Ending restrictions in summer time is therefore seen as being preferable to ending restrictions in winter, with a perceived lesser chance of crashing the NHS. So, now is indeed the time for Government to step back from it's nanny role and allow the ordinary citizen to take charge of his/her own affairs again - to be self-responsible. British Conservative governments traditionally balk at intervening in the lives of their citizens - or at least that is the mantra we hear. However, that doesn't stop them raiding our wallets for both direct and indirect taxation nor from sending our children off to fight in dodgy wars. But that is another story.
Conservative ideology dictates that the individual is indeed self-responsible and therefore should remain 'free' to act and do as they please, so long as it is within the laws of the land. Even over public health issues, apparently. Arguably, this unwillingness to intervene was the main reason why the UK Government was so slow to respond to the crisis in the first place. However, research highlights that while the majority of Brits have abided by the rules and regulations imposed because of Covid, it was only ever a minority of people that was actually spreading the virus around. Some by bending the rules or by ignoring them completely. Current statistics also indicate that 1 in 5 Brits currently in hospital have had 2 Covid jabs, while government's own statistical modelling suggest that 60% to 70% of those unfortunate to die from Covid during this summer, will also have been double jabbed. In short, Covid vaccines are not 100% effective nor will some people act 'responsible' enough to be able to limit the spread of the virus. Put the two together and we are heading towards a potential disaster - if not also a possible government U turn on the crisis. And why not, just another bungling and sad cock-up to add to the growing list of government cock-ups and U -turns we've already witnessed.
Even the mandatory face-mask wearing and social distancing rules have been abandoned, with the onus now on the general public to decide what they want to do as regarding those issues. Abandoned, alongside the abandonment of any leadership involving public health and a duty of care towards millions of vulnerable and elderly Brits. It is certainly not a decision that has gone down well with the World Health Organisation, scientists around the globe nor some of the UK's own citizens. Polls suggest that mandatory face-coverings and social distancing should still be legally enforced. Read the news today and some of England's nightclubs were open seconds after Government restrictions ebbed away, with thousands of Britain's youth pictured drinking and dancing the early hours away. No social distancing, no one wearing face masks and many without being vaccinated, according to some reports.
So, what are we to make of this. Clearly, the dangers of the UK's approach are self-evident.
- 1) Huge increases in Covid cases
- 2) Increases in Covid deaths
- 3) Increased cases of Long-Covid
- 4) Increased chance of Covid variants, possible eliminating all effectiveness of the vaccines.
And it's a political decision that not only impacts the UK but potentially upon the whole world. Arguably, Government have decided that there is an 'acceptable' level of deaths that they are prepared to face. But for me, this goes beyond a callous acceptance of Brits dying simply in order that sports venues, theatres, music venues, nightclubs, restaurants and bars can fully open-up without restrictions (unless they impose their own), it is essentially dim-witted and short-sighted. Despite government stating that there will be no turning back after reopening, the chances of a government U-turn in a few weeks time must be incredibly high. With increased numbers of Brits already infected and the knock on effect on the numbers of people forced to self-isolate after being in contact, UK businesses are already complaining of a shortage of staff. The NHS included. Food producers and supermarkets are also talking about food shortages and about reducing opening hours now. So, just wait until Covid cases spike again. And if a new Covid variant does emerge, as is highly likely (no doubt to be dubbed the 'Boris' variant) the UK will become a pariah state. At some point, England and the rest of the UK will be forced into a highly public U-turn. So, it's not only a callous move and a highly dangerous move, but a deeply embarrassing one.
We couldn't really have a more inept bunch of people running the show. Even with access to the best intelligence and the best science in the world, they consistently ignore the lot, simply to pursue their own gormless whims and wishes. But perhaps that is something we Brits and the rest of the world really needs to see clearly expressed, despite the horrors that will undoubtedly unfold. We overlook political incompetence and constantly pretend we are superior to the rest. The best in the world at practically everything. That argument at least will now be put to the test.
Author Credentials:
British born Paul Dodenhoff, is a regular contributor of UK disability related news and content. Paul has always taken an interest in disability issues, and writes for Disabled-World trying to highlight issues that don't always get a great deal of attention from Britain's popular media. Paul Dodenhoff completed a part-time Open University Bachelor of Science degree in Social Problems, Health and Social Welfare; graduating at the Guild Hall, Preston, United Kingdom. He also gained a part-time Master of Arts degree in Research Methodology in 2003 with the Open University; graduating at the UNESCO headquarters, Paris. Explore Paul's complete biography for comprehensive insights into his background, expertise, and accomplishments.