Life Beyond Visual Impairment Podcasts
Ian C. Langtree - Writer/Editor for Disabled World (DW)
Published: 2020/02/28 - Updated: 2023/09/12
Publication Type: Announcement / Notification
Topic: Disability Podcasts - Publications List
Page Content: Synopsis - Introduction - Main
Synopsis: Life beyond visual impairment podcasts shows people with visual impairment, professionals, and the general public, that life still goes on even though you may not see so well anymore.
• Emma and Alan share their experiences of visiting their opticians in the UK and believe that their cinema provides more support than their opticians.
• Emma and Alan share there experience of dating. Emma talks about how Alan's blindness has never got in the way of there relationship...
Life beyond visual impairment podcasts shows people with visual impairment, professionals, and the general public, that life still goes on even though you may not see so well anymore.
Main Item
Seeing Beyond the Eyes CET training empowers UK optometrists and opticians to offer improved services for their patients living with sight loss.
Daniel Williams, the voice behind these podcasts, founded Visualise Training and Consultancy in 2014 to bring about inclusion and accessibility for people living with visual Impairment.
Daniel was diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa at the age of eight. He is registered as severely sight impaired and it is likely that he will lose his sight completely. He currently works throughout the UK and speaks regularly at UK and foreign conferences.
Supporting and Referring Patients with Visual Impairment
This podcast with Daniel Williams, Founder of Visualise Training and Consultancy discusses how clinical staff can easily refer patients with visual impairments to support services following their suspected diagnosis. No patient should leave an optician or eye clinic without a referral for non medical support.
Fancy a Real Blind Date?
Emma and Alan share there experience of dating. Emma talks about how Alan's blindness has never got in the way of there relationship and how this has been one of her best relationships ever.

Our Cinema Provided Us More Support Than Our Optician
Emma and Alan share their experiences of visiting their opticians in the UK and believe that their cinema provides more support than their opticians. Emma believes that there is a true lack of appropriate training that is given to opticians to empower them to support patients with sight loss.
Seeing Beyond the Eyes Project Launch
Daniel Williams, Jayshree Vasani and Peter Black launch the first ever seeing beyond the eyes project, bringing together eye care and sight loss professionals to encourage better working partnerships in order for low vision patients to receive the service they deserve.
Oh No, Not Another Trip to the Eye Clinic
Oh no not another trip to the eye clinic from the patient perspective of visiting an eye clinic in the UK. The patient explores how they feel accessing the services when they have a visual impairment.