U.S. Public Service and American Greed
Author: Thomas C. Weiss
Published: 2011/01/26 - Updated: 2022/06/23
Topic: Editorials and Op-eds - Publications List
Page Content: Synopsis - Introduction - Main
Synopsis: Services that assist others in society could be greatly enhanced were it not for the endless desire for profit among various greedy American entities.
• America currently has in-home care agencies and corporations, some of which provide excellent services, others that do not. All of these agencies are seeking to earn profits; it is the reason they exist.
• Many will not hesitate to increase the rates they charge people seeking their services if the agency or corporation's costs increase, at times more than is honest. The same benefits could be provided by organizations that do not focus on earning profits instead of providing services.
Services that assist others in society could be greatly enhanced were it not for the endless desire for profit among various entities in America. The services provided would not preclude employment, participation by organizations, or earning appropriate wages. Many more people in this nation would find themselves employed through the approach to be described.
Main Item
For example, many people in America experience disabilities that limit their ability to perform everyday activities of daily living. Should organizations be established with the sole purpose of serving the populations of people with disabilities and seniors in this nation by assisting them without a focus on profit, the great potential would exist for not only the employment of non-disabled persons as aides but many people of various abilities in the organizations themselves. Without creating a profit, these organizations could pay decent wages while focusing on providing services to others.
America currently has in-home care agencies and corporations, some of which provide excellent services, others that do not. All of these agencies are seeking to earn profits; it is the reason they exist. Many will not hesitate to increase the rates they charge people seeking their services if the agency or corporation's costs increase, at times more than is honest. The same services could be provided by organizations that do not focus on earning profits instead of providing services.
In-Home Care organizations that focus on public service and the provision of services could indeed present Nurses and Nursing Assistants with viable employment options and wages. These organizations could bypass all the paperwork involved with profit measurement, directing Nurses and Nursing Assistants to the homes of people with disabilities and seniors who need them most. Organizations of this type would undoubtedly become highly popular once the people seeking in-home care services realize the incredible savings potential. Every person employed by In-Home Care organizations that do not focus on profit would be able to hold their heads high, knowing they are truly serving others in their communities, even as they earn a decent living.
The described organizations are not necessarily non-profit; they would most likely exist as not-for-profit organizations. With health care reforms in America in mind, there is potential for federal funding and grants for creating such organizations. There has been an incredible amount of interest in the provision of health care in America recently; one has to wonder how seriously many people are. Are groups willing to establish organizations to provide not-for-profit services to members of their communities
The shooting of Mrs. Giffords, a public servant, as well as the killings and wounding of many others by Mr. Loughner, has brought with it a renewed focus on mental health issues. While preventative forms of assistance for Mr. Loughner in public are now impossible, the fact remains that the overwhelming number of people who experience forms of mental health disabilities are non-violent and deserve health care services. Unfortunately, it has taken such an incident to remind people in America that mental health is a part of health care.
Not-for-profit organizations, similar to those described, could provide services such as in-home visitation, case management, follow-up visitations, and the actual provision of mental health care to people who experience forms of mental health disabilities. These organizations could provide these services at a lower cost while providing excellent services that others respect while maintaining the respect of the employees of the organizations. One of the ways people with mental health disabilities, 'fall through the cracks,' and continue to experience untreated forms of mental illnesses is because of a lack of follow-up care.
Not-for-profit organizations could not only provide services to the communities in which they exist, but they could also network with other organizations whose purpose is to provide education. There are areas where the earning of profits is appropriate; health care and education should not be included. Health care services and education are things every person needs to function to their greatest abilities in the society and communities in which they find themselves.
With this in mind, establishing not-for-profit organizations whose goals are providing health care services to people with disabilities and seniors in America should proceed at an unprecedented rate if true health care reform exists. While this perspective may not please everyone, the results would certainly be pleasing if the organizations and services described growing and thrive. If nothing else, more people with disabilities and seniors would receive services from others in their communities, and more people would find themselves gainfully employed.
Author Credentials: Thomas C. Weiss is a researcher and editor for Disabled World. Thomas attended college and university courses earning a Masters, Bachelors and two Associate degrees, as well as pursing Disability Studies. As a Nursing Assistant Thomas has assisted people from a variety of racial, religious, gender, class, and age groups by providing care for people with all forms of disabilities from Multiple Sclerosis to Parkinson's; para and quadriplegia to Spina Bifida. Explore Thomas' complete biography for comprehensive insights into his background, expertise, and accomplishments.