Online Disability Community List
Ian C. Langtree - Writer/Editor for Disabled World (DW)
Published: 2008/12/29 - Updated: 2024/05/04
Publication Type: Informative
Topic: Disability Communities - Publications List
Page Content: Synopsis - Introduction - Main
Synopsis: List of online disability community social networking websites for the disabled and health impaired.
• The Center on Disability and Community Inclusion (CDCI), in collaboration and coordination with individuals with developmental disabilities, their families and communities, will promote opportunities for valued life outcomes for individuals with disabilities of all ages in all facets of community life.
• Diabetic Connect is a social disability community that connects those with diabetes. People use Diabetic Connect to make friends, discuss diabetes, and share recipes, news, blogs and videos.
List of online disability community and social networking websites for the disabled and health impaired around the world.
Main Item
Center on Disability and Community Inclusion
The Center on Disability and Community Inclusion (CDCI), in collaboration and coordination with individuals with developmental disabilities, their families and communities, will promote opportunities for valued life outcomes for individuals with disabilities of all ages in all facets of community life. The CDCI Mission "To improve the lives of individuals with disabilities and their families through research, training, and community services" Since its founding in 1974, the Center has helped to shape the lives of and services to thousands of individuals with disabilities. The CDCI operate over 20 initiatives related to disabilities.
Family Village
A global community that integrates information, resources, and communication opportunities on the Internet for persons with cognitive and other disabilities, for their families, and for those that provide them services and support. The Family Village community includes informational resources on specific diagnoses, communication connections, adaptive products and technology, adaptive recreational activities, education, worship, health issues, disability-related media and literature.
Diabetic Connect
Diabetic Connect is a social disability community that connects those with diabetes. People use Diabetic Connect to make friends, discuss diabetes, and share recipes, news, blogs and videos.
Disability Community Lens on Squidoo
Health and Disability Community news and information from around the world of interest to people with health conditions or a disability. The number of people with a health condition or disability in any worldwide community is growing. As the aging population increases, health care and other services for this age group will come to the attention in a more dramatic fashion for those who make program decisions and governmental policy for services senior citizens require.
Indiana Institute on Disability and Community
The Institute collaborates with community agencies, schools, advocacy organizations, government, institutions of higher education, and other community partners to effect improvements in quality of life. The mission of the Indiana Institute on Disability and Community (IIDC) is to work with communities to welcome, value, and support the meaningful participation of people of all ages and abilities through research, education, and service.
Disability Community at Propeller
This group focuses on articles and news of interest to the Worldwide Disability Community. About one in five U.S. residents - 19 percent - reported some level of disability in 2005. These 54.4 million Americans are equal to the combined populations of California and Florida.
Inspire connects patients, families, friends, caregivers and health professionals for health and wellness support. Inspire works with trusted health partners to build safe and secure health and wellness groups.
Learning Disabilities Resource Community
The LDRC is a virtual information community open to anyone affected by learning disabilities either as an individual with a learning disability, a parent, teacher, researcher, or a concerned community member. The LDRC is a place to gain knowledge about learning disabilities, discover new teaching and educational tools, share information and experiences, and contribute to a greater understanding of the "hidden disability". It is estimated that one in 10 Canadians (approximately 2 million people) from all age, ethnic, and social groups, are affected by learning disabilities. One of the primary goals of the LDRC is to bring together the four major groups that make up the learning disabilities community. These groups consist of individuals with learning disabilities (and their families), community organizations, educational institutions, and research centers.
A website where the entire disability community can communicate in a simple and effective manner. JustCan provide a community, which links to online disability resources, products, services and support groups. The website provides resources for local and national level non-profit organizations, who work with the disability community, to get an understanding of the fundraising processes and much more.
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